
5 Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in capital letters. Do not change the meaning ot the original

sentences.    (10 points)

0    It’s seven oYlock so we’ve been wailing for two hours. SINCE

We've bsen waitina horę sińce fjyg o'c\ock.

1    My o id Computer oflcn went. wrong. USED My old comput.cr _______________

2    I became a member of this club four ycars ago. BE EN


3    We finished our work and then went out.


We went_________________

4    Its against the mles to argue with the Presideafs decision. MUSTNT

You ____________________

5    There are no mles about wearing a tie. HAVE

You    _

6    I’m sorry I didn’t study Phystcs. STUDIED

I _____________________

7    Iks a shame that Fm not rich. WERE If

8    Its veiy likely that I will buy this Computer. PROBABLY


9    I didn’t break the law so I won’t go to prison. BROKEN


10 Heli go to prison if the judge is in a bad mood. UNLESS

He’ll __________________

t; Complets the text with one word in each gap. (10 points)

Al. the moment you use your Computer a lot. You 0plug the machinę into the socket,1    the

start button and youYe away. One 2-of    <•

the mouse and you can do whatever you like,


study, work. play. The world is yours. As prices

have 3_______ down, you have been able to buy

that sleek, sniart laptop that you have

4__dreaming of5    Cliristmas.

What could possibly be bctter?

Bul. imaginc. WhatG    happen if suddenly

yoi i were infected by a virus wioch led7 allof your files being wiped8    ? It’s a

danger we all have to9    in these modem

times when we are so reliant on technology.

It could happen to you so 10_ABC virus

checker today from our website. It’s free!




7 Read the text and circle the conrect answers. {10 points)

Case Study 170012: Jim X Aged 19

fr \ :




Jim was 0_to three years in prison lor his

role in an armed robbery. Since he arrived at

the prison he 1_the community help

programme and he also 2_three days a

week in the prison Computer room which he enjoys.

Before he came to prison, he 3__about other

people or his role in society but I think he

has now changed. He is determined to 4_

ol the chances offered here and he has

shown a great 5_with computers which he

F)__ before. He is now working on a scheme

to teach other prisoners who are unable to read the instruction 7___.    i


lim comes from a poor background but,    ?

1 am surę that with help he will be able to    ;

8_his difficulties and become a useful    i

member of society. 1 am now working with j

the 9__who defended him at his trial and j

we are trying to get his sentence reduced or j

changed to a rehabilitation 10_which will :

allow him morę freedom as we feel that he j is no Ipijger a danger to society.

0    (ajsentenced

u given

1    ajoined

b had joined

2    a works

b is working

3    a has never thought b is never tłunking

4    a fulfilł

b achieve

r; a able b ability

6    a hadn’t ever usecl b hasn’t ever used

7    a brochure b manuał

8    a overcome b fulfill

9    ajudge bjury

10 a sentence b serrice

c sent


c has joined

d has been joining c worked d nad worked c had never thought d has never been thinking

c make the most of d overcome

c inability d unable

c doesrit ever use d didn’t ever use c Ieafiet d book c achieve d flunk c witness d lawyer c programme d fine

© Pearson Education Limited 2007

' ■ nWIHRlMilll IV "


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