5 Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in Capital letters. Do not change the meaning of the origina! sentences.    {10 points)

0    Havo you eat.en here before? Tom as kod. IF

Tom azked me if I had eaten there beforc.

1    They are going to hokl a concert lor children in Africa. HELD

A concert

2    The new supermarket is reducing its prices. REDUCED

Prices _________________

3    ITl fly if I know the piane has been checked. UNLESS


4    ‘I didiTt realise that Leo was an artist.’ said Olga. REALISED

Olga said _______________

5    ‘What did you do ar school today?’ asked dad. THAT

Dad asked nie ________

6    ‘Don’t forget to send me a postcard’ said

Jackie when we went on holiday. US Jackie _______________

7    Has someonc put highlights in your hair? HAT)


8    Have you eaten here before? IF

Could you _________________

9    Wheres the nearest cash dispenser? KNOW


10 Al most evervone here disapproves of advertising. PEOPLE Most_    _

players asked me to be his personal bodyguard

so IH_from my job at the supermarket,

and went to work for him. Tłien hc marricd a pop star and they moved to Hollywood, with me. One day I was at t acked by someone and spent three months in hospital. I’ve got.!)    that now

hut the only prol)lem is I’m finding it. hard to Iosc all the weiglit I U)    on while l was lying in


Who knows what will happen nexl l)ut it’s not a bad Iife here in LA!

Ted Simons

7 Read the text and circle the correct answers. (10 points)

Barry put the key in the lock and opened the door. He always foli. wonderful when ho saw the

huge,"_apartment. He’d almost forgotten liis

poor childhood with the !_kitchen, only big

enough for one person and even (hen too smali.

Now he was a star. Ile J_the most talented singer

in Britain and he łiad everything he could ever

noed. He had had:i_put in his hair and his 1_

was carefully styled so that it always looked as if he

hadift shared for two days.r’_liis old school

friends were nianied with kids now, working in boringjobs, theii' ctreams long forgotten.

He gazed _his reflection and sniiled at

himself. ‘You look 7_gorgeous’ he said, smiling.

Suddenly łfe stoppecl. He looked again at the

reflection. Its_. His hair was tuming grey. Tle

was getting older. f!„_started appeanng on his

face. What was happening? He looked up again

and the reflection was back to normal. He 10_

with fear at what he had seen. What was it? Just his imagination or a view of futuer? And what

would he see in the mirror tomorrow?

<X UL Livy

c groorny

(6) luxurious

d depressing


a cramped

C tranąuil

b magnificent


d charming

b has voted

d has been


a pemis

c highlights

b partings

d bleach


a stubble

c plait

b pony taił

d dreadlocks


a Any

c Most of

b Most

d Every


a on

c to

b over

d at


a very

c extremely

b pretty

d absolutely


a changed

c was changing

b has been changing

d is changed


a Dimples

c Partings

b Wrinkles

d Highlights


a sighed

c shuddered

b giggled

d stroił ed

ooiiipicta tii0 loal *vitn ui 10 Vi0ru iii oacu *jdp. p^inis)

Dear Sir,

You asked Iast month about amazirm fives Weil l've had an amazing Iife and IVe never 1sat an

exaai ul my lue. i was Dorn mto a poor ramily and they needed the rnoney so I left school at 16

and did odd 1_for people in our Street.

Then I got a part2_job in a factory. I

workcd hard but realized I was going nowhere. When a new supermarket opened I applied :i    a job there and got taken on. I started

by collecting the shopping4_which

people had left all over the car park and brought them back for other people to use. After a few

years, 15_promotcd to be in charge of

security. I took6_weightlifting and

jogging and no one ever escaped from me. The local football club heard about me and I worked for them on Saturday aftemoons, stopping people

from running onto the 7_. I was able to

sec the football for free as well. Then one of the


© Pearson Education Limited 2007



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