






UNIT 10.

The Futurę and the Conditional    67

The Futurę Tense 67 Irregular Yerbs in the Futurę Tense 69 When Is the Futurę Tense Used in Spanish? 7l Other Ways of Expressing the Futurę in Spanish 78 The Conditional Mood 74 Irregular Yerbs in the Conditional 76 When Is the Conditional Used in Spanish? 77 Other Uses of the Conditional: Conjecture in the Past and the Conditional in Gon trary-to-Fac t ^6 Claus es 79

Reflexive Verbs and Reflexive Constructions

Reflexive Yerbs and Pronouns 82 Morę Reflexive Yerbs 86

Reflexive Constructions with Stem-Changing and Verbs 84

The Use of Reflexive Yerbs in Spanish 85 Yerbs That Change Meaning When Used as Verbs 86

The Gommands in Reflexive Constructions 88 The Infinitive and Present Participle in Constructions 89

Reflexive Constructions in Reciprocal Actions 91 How to Express to Become in Spanish 92 The Reflexive Gonstruction in Other Tenses 94

The Progressive Tenses    95

The Forms of the Present Participle in Regular, Irregular, and Stem-Changing Yerbs 95

Placement of Reflexive    Pronouns    and    Other Object

Pronouns with the Present Participle 98 When Is the Present Progressive Used in Spanish? 99 The Progressive Forms in Other Tenses 100 Yerbs of Motion in Progressive Tenses 101 Present Participle: Spanish Gompared to English 102

Compound Tenses: The Present Perfect and the Past Perfect 104

The Present Perfect 104

Past Participles Ending    in -ido    and    Irregular Past

Participles 106

When Is the Present Perfect Tense Used in Spanish? 109 The Past Perfect or Pluperfect 110 When Is the Past Perfect Used in Spanish? 111 Other Compound Tense Forms: The Preterit Perfect 118 When Is the Preterit Perfect Tense Used in Spanish? 118 Haber + a Participle: The Spanish Equivalent of the Perfect Infinitive 114

When Is the Infinitive of Haber + a Participle Used in Spanish? 114






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