



UNIT 16.

The Commands    175

Formal or Polite Commands 176 Formal Commands, Irregular Forms 178 When Are Formal Commands Used in Spanish? 179 Informal (Tri) Affirmative Command Forms 181 Irregular Forms of the Familiar Tu Command 182 Tu Negative Command Forms 188

Plural Familiar (Vosotros) Affirmative Command Forms 184 \bsotros Negative Command Forms 185 Irregular Negative \fosotros Forms 185 When Are Informal (Tu) Commands Used in Spanish? 186 Commands and the Position of Reflexive and Object Pronouns 186

Other Ways of Expressing a Command (Nosotros) 187 The Infinitive Used as a Command 189

UNIT 17.

Nouns and Articles    190

Gender of Nouns in Spanish: Endings of Nouns 190 Masculine Nouns and Their Endings in Spanish 190 Feminine Nouns and Their Endings in Spanish 192 Other Endings to Gonsider for the Gender of Nouns 198 Other Nouns and Their Gender 195 Plural of Nouns 199 Definite Articles 201

When Are Definite Articles Used in Spanish? 202 When Are Definite Articles Omitted in Spanish? 205 Lo, the Neuter Article 206 Indefinite Articles 207

When Are Indefinite Articles Used in Spanish? 208 When Are Indefinite Articles Not Used in Spanish? 209

UNIT 18.

Adjectives    211

Gender and Number of Adjectives in Spanish 211 Where Are Adjectives Placed in Spanish? 215 Other Adjective Forms Used Before Nouns: The Shortened Forms 217

Other Gonsiderations About the Position of Adjectives 218 Words That Function as Adjectives 219 Gomparatives and Superlatives 220 Irregular Gomparative and Superlative Adjectives 228 Other Gomparisons 228

UNIT 19.

Personal Pronouns    225

Subject Pronouns 225

Uses of the Subject Pronouns 226

Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions 229

When Are Prepositional Pronouns Used in Spanish? 229

Direct Object Pronouns 281

When Are Direct Object Pronouns Used in Spanish? 281 Indirect Object Pronouns 285 Where Are Indirect Object Pronouns Placed? 285 Double Object Pronouns 289


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