form a lineÎlebrations kit glasses 2

form a lineÎlebrations kit glasses 2

Conlinuc this $cqucncc until the streamer is complctc.

Spnrkle Out at I in at 2 Out al 3 in at 4 Out at 5 in at 6 Out at 7 in at 8

Glass I

Oul at A in at B Out al C in al D Out at K in at F Conlinuc this $equcncc to out at O in al II.

Backstitch arounil Ute outliiK of the glass from A to B.


Out at I in at J Out at K in at 11


Out at L in at K Out at M in at N Out at O in at I* Conlinuc scquencc to oul at J in al X.

Hien out at I. in at X

Glass 2 Stitcli this in a similar way to glass I.

Streamer Out at Q in at R Out at S in at T Out at U in at V

Cor>ntK 020*1 ni

thwe 1'orm-A-Lmcj imtruclioni nrc copyright 02001 I) J DeƂigiw and nuy not be rcproduccd witbout pttmijsion.

Puhlithed by Card Irupiraliom Tewin Bill Farm. Tewin. HntƂ AL6OLU UK. Tel: 0143* 7IT000 FAX: 0143* 717477


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