included in this kit.
3r zig zag them, to prevent fraying.
fabric in half, top to bottom, and then left to e folds and the center will be creased. Begin
ht. It may help to tape a smali sample next to >r list. Use the correct number of plies, which are
he needle.
een the finger and thumb (flatten floss as much dle.
of the floss, press and "saw" eye of the needle i floss. Puli through eye.
o the right side. Leave a 1" tag of floss on the s you begin....never knot the floss. To end, run is on the back side, and clip the tag short.
stand then any backstitching or decorative
lished project.
;t be removed when you are not stitching. They distort the fabric.
ridual plies and then reassembling them into the etter coverage of the fabric.
, simply hołd your project in the air and let the } itself.
f each "X" in the same direction.
Id hands," that is, they should leave and enter
>h label is a handy reference and guide.
it, it is best to work with shorter lengths. This will
taken to ensure the quality ofthis kit. Using 1 number of plies suggested will enable you ials to complete this design.
I help or materials, do the following:
rivelope along with your request, name, phone >er. Please include a swatch of yarn or floss and engths. Send all requests to:
lesigns, 520 E. Jamie Av., La Habra, CA 90631
• Begin stitching in the center of the design. Follow the arrows at the edges of the chart to find the center (see "Before Stitching").
• Work all cross stitches, matching symbols to the color list for proper color placement.
• Backstitching is indicated by bold lines on chart.
Refer to photograph/label and diagram (not to scalę) for placement.
Yellow #6123 (1 ply) - define smali, light colored flower edges, left-inside wreath.
Dk Gold #6111 (1 ply) - define bow edges located above cups 1 & 4; accent top of all bows.
Vy Dk Green #6194 (1 ply) - define edges & veins of green leaves.
Lt Red-Brown #6204 (1 ply) - define all smali flowers not specified.
Dk Red-Brown #6212 (1 ply) - define rosę petals’ edges.
-Dk Ghareoal #6239 (1 ply) - define bow edges orvbows above cups 2, 3, & 5.
Red-Brown #6241 (1 ply) - define smali, dark colored flower edges; outside-left of wreath.
Dk Blue #6235 (2 ply) - define artisfs initials.
Grey #6263 (1 ply) - define large white daisies’ edges.
Cup 1:
Dk Yellow-Green #6066 (1 ply) - define edges of light stems.
Dk Gold #6111 (1 ply) - accent inside & outside lower edge of cup lip & bottom rim.
Purple #6138 (1 ply) - define flowers petal edges.
Vy Dk Green #6194 (1 ply) - define edges of green leaves & dark stems.
Dk Charcoal #6239 (1 ply) - define cup handle, top-side edge & inside-bottom rim and accent upper outside shiny edge.
Grey #6263 (1 ply) - accent inside & outside upper edge of cup lip.
Cup 2:
Vy Dk Green #6194 (1 ply) - define edges of green leaves.
Dk Gold #6111 (1 ply) - accent inside & outside cup rim design.
Dk Red-Brown #6212 (1 ply) - accent flowers on cup.
Dk Charcoal #6239 (1 ply) - define cup handle, dark edges of cup lip, right side edge, and upper & lower cup rim.
Grey #6263 (1 ply) - accent upper light edges of cup lip and define crack.
Cup 3:
Dk Gold #6111 (1 ply) - accent light edges of cup lip.
Vy Dk Green #6194 (1 ply) - define edges of green leaves & veins.
Dk Orange-Pink #6213 (1 ply) - define floral stems.
Dk Blue #6235 (1 ply) - define blue flowers.
Dk Charcoal #6239 (1 ply) - define dark edges, inside & outside bottom rim, and handle.
Cup 4:
Vy Dk Green #6194 (1 ply) - define edges of dark green leaves.
Dk Gold #6111 (1 ply) - define top edge of handle and outer edge of cup lip. Dk Red-Brown #6212 (1 ply) - define flower edges.
Red-Brown #6241 (1 ply) - define stems and edges & veins of light green leaves. Dk Charcoal #6239 (1 ply) - define dark edges, inside & outside bottom rim, and handle.
Cup 5:
Yellow-Green #6071 (1 ply) - define greenery stems & leaf veins.
Dk Red-Brown #6212 (1 ply) - define flower edges.
Dk Charcoal #6239 (1 ply) - define dark edges, inside & outside bottom rim, and handle.
Grey #6263 (1 ply) - define light edge of cup lip and crack.