



UFE Magaano caya thore aro l o 1han TWO M1LLJON acicnco iiction fans iii country

the re-o eatab-veNEW y htor-OYery



Prom ail corncra 01 the natłon sounding proof that    !

Ilahed ltaol! ca an oxc £ng and ti FORM OF 1.ITERATURE that m atti ally tona of thoueandn of new r«



Why"> Because no other form of . . .on oan pronde you with 8uch thnlhng and unproce

dented odventures! No other form of flctłon can tako you on an eorio trip to Mars . amare you with a joumoy into tho yoar 3000 AD... or sweop you Into *ho fabuloui rcalms ol un-expk>red Spocę! Yes, it‘s no wonder that this <-xating netr form o! UnaglnatWe literaturo haa captlvated tho largetl group ol laacinaltd no w readc.-i in the United States todayl


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