Secreis entrusłed ło a lew
THERE are some things tbat caooot be generally told—tbingt you ought to know. Grcat trudbs trt dangcroos to
some—but factors for ptnomal powcr and accomplisbment in the hands of tboM w bo a n der stand tbem. BeJhind che tales of the miracles and mysteries of the ancients, lie centuries of their secrct probing into nature’s laws— cheir amaziog discoverics of tbe bid-den processes of man*s mind, and the tnastery of life’s problems. Once shroud-ed i o my stery to avoid their destruc* tion by mass fear and ignorance, these facts remain a useful heritage for the thousands of men and woraen w ho pri-lately use thcm in their homes todayj
The Rosicrncians (not a religious
organization)an age-old brotherhood of learoing, have presenred this sec ret wisdom in their archires for centa* rics. Tbcy no*r intiłe prom to sbare tbe prac li cal belpfulncss of their teacbingt. Write today for a Irce copy of the book, **The Mastery of Life.’’ Within iu pages may lic a new life of oppor-tunity for you. Address: Scribe YQY-1
I Saa Jose. Cnlifornia i
l Ptcase send roe ihc/ree book. Tbe Masttry t l ofLiJe, which esplains how I maylcarn to I I uje my bcultiu and powera oi miód. t
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