• Gotdon R. CHckson'5 newcst novoi, The Far Cafl,** is a radie*! de* porturo irom Gordys most racent wotks This a a compieteiy realisto story ot the very near futuro, ot a manned eapodmoo to Mars. and ot me poUtics on Earth that dooms it to iatture )t s also a story ot the ttumph ot the human spirtt Ukt many science fction peopte. Gordy has become a “rocket treak. and has Ocen pratenl at almost every ma tor spece launcNng Since ApoOo tt Out ot this entbuoiasm and dadłcutton. and om ot hts dataifed knowteóge ot the worfongs ot tne spece program, has como on important now novet. The covor tllusłra-tron. by John Schoenherr. shows one ot the major ha2ards ot pro-longed specefkght the Sun