

in times feo come

• Gofdon R. CHckson'5 newcst novoi, The Far Cafl,** is a radie*! de* porturo irom Gordys most racent wotks This a a compieteiy realisto story ot the very near futuro, ot a manned expodittoo to Mars. o od ot me poUtics on Earth that dooms it to tai«uro ifs also a story ot the tnumph ot the human spirtt Liku many science fction peopte. Gordy has become a “rocket freak. and has Ocen pratenl at almost every ma tor spece launcNng Since ApoOo tt Out ot mis entbusiasm and dedicatioo. and om ot ma dataited knowfadge ot the workings ot tne spece program, has come on important new novet. The covor tllusłra-tron. by John Schoenherr. shows one ot the major ha2ards ot pro-longed specefkght the Sun


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image006 intimestocome • Gotdon R. CHckson 5 newcst novoi, The Far Cafl,** is a radie*! de* porturo
image008 in times to come • We don’t hear from John PhWifent very ofien. hut when we do. it s usuall
image014 in times to come January’s issue features "Integra! ion Module,” by Daniel B. James. M
image021 IN TIMES TO COME Annc McCafTrcy rctums in ncxt months issuc with “A Bridłe for Pcgasus,* w
image025 IN TIMES TO COME The cover story next monih u "The Sccond Kind of Loncliness," by
image001 in times to come We don t ftear front John PhljUlfent very oftcn.bui when nr do. it’s usual
image011 IN TIMES TO COME "The Prllcher Mass" łs Ihe tnie ol Gordon R Ockson 9 new novel.
image027 IN TIMES TO COME Phystcal ttnwoni posa probtams that ton***™ cmi ba wrcvMO atound Tha basrc
image005 in times to eonie Nexl issue featiires a cover by Kelly Freas ihat. mighi Field & Sirci

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