MU! Cytogcoe- |
Ground |
tic Studiem of | |
Blood | |
Ml 12 Man's |
Ground |
Immunity-ln | |
Vitro Aspccts | |
Ml 13 Blood |
Ground |
Vdumc and Red | |
Celi Life Span | |
Ml 14 Red Blood |
Ground |
Mctabdum | |
M13! Human |
ows |
Vcslibular Func- | |
tion | |
MISI Time and |
ows |
Motion Study | |
M171 Mctabolic |
ows |
Activity | |
M172 Body Mass |
ows |
Mcasurcmcnt | |
M415 Thermal |
ows |
Control Coatings |
MS07 Gravily |
ows |
Subslitutc Work- | |
bench | |
M508 EVA and |
ows |
IVA Hardware |
and |
Esaluation |
Outside |
In Space | |
M509 Astronaut |
ows |
Mancuvcring | |
Equip |
Dctcrmine the preflighl and postllight chromosomc u be milion łrcqucncics tn the pcriphcral blood leukocytem of the crcw.
Assay humoral and celi u lar immunity a$ rcrtcctcd by ihc pla.sma conccntrahons of the major innuinoglobulin dasscs, study the functions of blood lymphocytcs. and assay sclcctcd coagulation factor*.
Document changcs in red ccii mess. red ccii survival. and plasma volumcs occurring as a rcsult of spacc flight.
Dctcrmine the clTccts of spacc flight on red ccii metabolism and membranę integrity.
Evalualc the condition of the crcw d u ring flight to dctcrmine angulor accclcration comfort zonę and identify vc*tibular changcs. Usc tirnc and moiton studiem of sundardtzed mcchamcal tasks to cvaluatc the rcUuvc consitfcncy bclween ground*based and mtlighi aslronaut performance.
Evaluatc Man*s mctabolic eflcctivcncss in spacc to dctcrmine long-duralion rcquircmcnts for kigistics resupply. cnvironmcntal contro!, and łask planning.
Validatc a mass measurement dcvicc large enough to contain a man and to provide data for bonc and tissuc studiem.
Dctcrmine degradabon ctfccis of prclaunch, launch. and spucc cnvironmcnts on the abM>rptivicy. enuvuvity. and sttbility churactcrisucs of vanous maicrials uscd for passivc thermal control.
Assess the usc of aerodyn* mic and clcctrosutic forcc lields as an aid in the mampulauon of loosc ohjccts in Z*n>G.
Łvaluatc\ capability to perform work under the condiuons imposed by spacc Aight, and dcveIop quantiuuvc design enteria applicablc to futurę rmssions in spacc.
Obtain data on the mechanical and human factor problem* eneountered by Man using maneuvenng aids and dcvicc* in Zero-G.