!n thls my elghty-third year of llfe, do hereby declare the followlng statcments as my last will and testament, to be read on the occaslon of my one hundredth birthday ... The once proud name of Frankenstein has been dragged by my only son, Vlctor, lnto an abyss of shame. There was a tlme when the name Frankenstein conjured dreams of vfrtue. Now no mlsery can be found equal to mlne... unless... my only małe helr, my great-grandson, Frederlck, whom I have never seen but who is, at the tlme of thls record-Jng, ten years of age and resfdfng In America wlth my granddaughter Kather-ine, has, by his own free will, embraced Medlclne as his career and has acquitted hlmself wlth sonie measure of esteem. Then, to him, I Ieave... EYERYTHING!"
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