'Thls is a fascinating addition to the world of "what If” fiction'
What If the Cuban Missile Crisis had become a fuli dlown atomie war?
The place is Boston. The year is 1972. It has been ten years sińce bombs fell over major cities in the United States and the Soviet Union. Russić^is decimated. California is virtually destroyed. Washington o’.C. hes beneath a giani crater lakę. President Kennedy. Vice President Johnson, and their families havę disappeared. believed dead. “The best and brightest4' of their administration are disgraced or in hiding. America is a Shell of her former glory. a second rate jtawer dependent upon the kindness of Bntain. Martial law rules.
Carl Landry, a young reporter with The Boston Globe, arrives at the scene of a murder. A friendless man. a veteran of the '62 war, has been shot, but Landry begins to doubt he is the victim of a burglary gone wrong and suspects that the man has taken secrets to his grave. What was this man doing in the War Room of the White House in October 1962? Who pushed the button that started the war? What is the legend and what is the lie? Who was the betrayer and who the betrayed? And could John F. Kennedy, by some mlracle, stlll be alive?
DuBois has his finger rlght on the button in thls thriller'