The rext issue leads offwith a new novel—"The Outpostcr"—by Gordon R. Dickson. U's been obvious f<» a long tlme thai the interesu of the Colonies and th< interesu of the Home Country are not ałways—cr ei .-/> often! -enlircly eongruent Bul when ii comes to thi Colony Planet s vx the Home World vs. ihe Aliens-then rhe gap can really get wide. hot. hateful and violent. Parlicularly because pioneering Cohnists tend 10 łx gamblers; they wouldn V ha\e gone Out There if they weren V willing to take chances tvith life and fortunę. And the Home World is conservaiive. wanling most of uli to hołd on to what they harc. And as to whlch is the worsl cierny. Aliens or Home World, can get to be a difficult question
With Gordy Dickson lelling il. yvu can cxpect a yarn'
The EoiroR.