Many men who were not able to tinlsh ttchoo! aro held down all through life bccause they lack a good education in the correct nse of the English lan-gnage. Uere is how (o make it up in only 15 minutes a day.
n.) minet aedrt-Ma 5<iur «btłllr, « r?ur Pffijnaluy. lufy;m» uf Ute •!»•/ yvx inlłtf 5’ttęiC wtfl fwlji KHtllns lOlulKi* iii Efif* lift. Witał are mant Ttip uuscfceac, xu>wc eurnwiN coav <*u to Hxs. twr uomcjcmuj reiitał,*.—ami
ret rld « OiKii-ii Hłiufw<» Cotft lOOtt ĄfH-C^nctl^ Mathol Titt onlra. saitr.lfd u u ha« Łlicftlr ilitffl!! Mino.
......... cu aiŁkc łt« » imt+ Interesują tattir.
.1 tcclc' 'foioimte. a reut* 71 trenie eaploya* Aid II'. ito łtaMnittaf l.i a aiaat CrU multa cuiskty. \ViUn4it ant uf cftłLtttlco. «cod toucoo tclc" for KHKB turfclrt. St tlB nvrr ycnr W'/ to junior ahcatll SHtRWIN CODY 8CM0OL Of tttCLISM.
Sił S».rt« ftldf., Rk N Y.
riM ii iiw uv I5a Kfului UauiitM eOTttrtftr. fonefulj. to r« ino UiLmja tlicy want cert uf Ufo- In >•'« li rLlntrtfa’ «*ir« tłuc a Uny tlili ncw vror to fttm.r Ku;Lift ton «tw >tn ltr^uiee poaiv". SC i
SHtRWIN CODY 8CHOOL OF ENGLISH 3*2 Start* Bplldiao. Bec»«lir, N. Y.
elflfO nurt cnr. MlllUM OhllCMlOll t» *l> (Ort. •«lf e<« Trwl O* "Utóf V«i <‘«x Muter Cood Kmilmli in 15 Mimilił » !'*■ '
ftcoł . .
No Jrtłnt will cali
ADORKF9 . .........................................
Q If :t ye*r» ot unu«r. (0<e* lin* fei Kotłltt A.
Is Your Rupture
Why &l*y proper pa!liativc trest-irent11 f you łufr« I tom rupture—and ycur doctor aćviac9 the uic of a proper-fcttir-a wpport - scucl !ce the facto about out pfffectcrt ttMti invenltoo —tbc Bfooka Apjilgmce lor redurible rupture —taith tbe AljTOMATIC AIK CL7SHI0N SUPPOHT. Tbou-asnidi bousht by doctor* for thsai-and palie nto.
SefrfOnTrlOl-Huh-to-mMOtt, IndMrtntl Illl.-J for mm. muom orehlld, fa)w-pri«rt.04nU»rr.4')«nl», Nn ołiooilODt aprlnp* ct bard t<«Hi neimufadrdiaturoit. fUf* *ad oiinfeetatfc M»lr» S«lor. fil rrunH*. Nul io'i IftfOnłh «lorr» —bauoro or 'ry.totww- W ni* In&tr tet fuli iof itcoirlnn eent Im In filio aotlod «nr«lo-«.
fł ALF ,f ,,,B "■f'1 :'Ylh ,1SS ntt
ż»t» *«*>' iu >pn4 arrrli »ito*y. *rv
OK |.Vrj.«rt ««™<3! tc~-l!il»l i)
MHPK w*9t >'<u WHIII My smraiuw •"n'r’ fln aivw< /iu (litra mmiiu’
Ina! to lit Uch ihiy di łii.t h>;*. Yiuir ir.0f>5» hic* if m» ffr-IWlly ■ilKJr'1 >U> nmr .fl.fllir >0 rtlf"' Ulał I ftare |!vm.»iii|. fj
■itiriif.i fiHtidim wtjrLur my Jifliil flaic* tr.fdc l" mUl. My ftOKrul Htmod l> liundid on 3> YtAIIS1 EXPES(ENCC. SEWD NO MONEY
Rnic TODAY fnr FSEE t,xOa( cml uupIiiiL.n costrr s!.
Oeota] liłcraur/. Dul 2-T, €a»l SL Loula. IIHMla.