F"*"»SOR lhosc men who are thus troubled. there is one way Cj ’ś to regain Health and only one way—and that is.
REST. QUIET. AIR and POSTURĘ. The first three cures—Rest. Quict and Air—are often presertbed by our first class physicians. but posturę is unknown to them— at least is known to them in name only. I refer the rcader to the picture on page 45. showing a prominent M. D. cxamin-ing a youngster. What he is saying 1 do not know. but surety he can't tell that boy how to take care of his physique. or how to attain health. lest he be humiliated before his own attend-ants for he himself has let his own body get out of all natura! proportions. It is only fair to humanity for mc to describc the pitiful creatures and examples of medical men one can observc. Certainly. to the stricken one. it does not givc eneouragement. when lying hclpless. to be comforted by a human being who himself looks as though he had one foot in the gravc. For the many thousands of physicians who teally look the part of healcrs. and ARE PHYSICALLY FIT. it is also discouraging. and as the Presidcnt of an American Medical College assured me (after having heard my lectures to bundreds of medical students) that there was no doubt in his mind but that posturę would eventually have to be taught in all schools of medicine. proving that they them-selves know the truth of my statements.