S./Lgr. T W. UATCH, of Rushden, Northants, is one of thc happiest men a!ivc, for to-day heca n cl a im tu be one ot the strongest and tittest men in tlie country at his weight. Heie is a briet history of his casc. He was boni willi double rupture and rićkets, lic could not walk a stride umil he was >even years ■ .NI and had to l»c pushed t.. school in a bath chair. He attendcd Northampton Hospital cvcry wcck for years and wnrc rickct splints, Steel padded trusses and crutches. Ile ha* stayed twelvc moiiths at the Kushdcn Sanatorium for trearment for the dreaded T. IS. on both lungs.
Seeing thc Aik>IIcjii advcrtisemcm in the " Health and Strength," he sent for a free book, and without ilclay curolled for a course in body-huilding, having tried evervthing umler the sun tn get iit_ and strong without success. After only a nionth‘s training he gained .! iitch on his norinal cTicst and Uh. in weight. and month by month he Ircgan t.. iiicreasc, until to-day, after hyc months' training, he can break (< inch nails witli ease, lift afilb. wcight>, and chin himself \yith either right <>r left band. Hi< derelopmcnt is rcally astounding, as his pictures i>rove. Spccialists and doctor* are atnazed, and no wonder! He wrotc to his trainer the other day:—
“ lf my statements read too much likc a fairy tale you cati prove evcrv Word from my di>ctors. Also I guess I shall hc on thc tiles at Northampton Hospital. 1 -till haye the splints, trusses, iruns, etc. I considercd having my photo takcit with same, but I didn’t like the idea ot my past ailments being shown up. Vou can publish one or twn of my photos if you wish. i might add that my healtli in generał has improved łieyond my wildesł dreams."
S./Lgr. T. W. BATCH.
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