56498 KIF70

56498 KIF70


Thcsc rechniqucs arc common ro many of thc projr. *. in rhu book. To savc rcpctition of rhcir dcscriprions \Wrhin r;. spccific partems, fhcy arc ser our herc oncc in dctail for your ' 'fcrcncc. You may find them uscful when designing your own a mele* as



Bcads may be placcd where picors appear in any pactern. You can add single or mulripłc bcads in any one spor. Depending on whcihcr rhe picors arc on rings or chains, rhc bcads musr be threadcd on ehe shurtlc or rhc bali thread prior ro srarting łlic lace. The number of bcads rcquircd will be asccrtained by a siudy of ihc panem. Should you want to mix colours, work our thc panem and thread rhc bcads in rhc invcrsc order ro rhc way you will work ihem inio your lace, thar is, thread rhe last bend on firsr and thc first bend on lasr.    __

Mclhod I: On rings As rings are formed diffcrently when ta (ring on a needle, this method applics principally io shuitle tatring.

Prior to starting any panem, string all thc bcads you will need on thc rings onto thc shuitle thread. When tatring each ring, indude thc requircd number of bcads insidc thc thread as you wrap tt around your hand before thc first double stitch. Then slidc them up as you reach thc pkots. Ali sritchcs should ftt snugly besidc thc bcads.

MallioJ 2: On cltains

Bcforc you start any paltem, string all bcads ncedcd on chatns onto ihc bali thread. When miting a chain, jusł slidc ilu- rct\uircd number of bcads alnng thc bali thread as you rcach tiur posmon sclcctcd. This method will be thc most comnum one uscd when tatting on a ncedlc as, gcncraily. thc double siitchcs of both rings and chains arc formed using thc bali thread.

Beads on the hall tbre.nl

Mcłhod 3: On formed picots

You may add loosc bcads as you ioin a ring or a chain to a formed picot. In this casc, thc picot should be long cnough to accommodatc thc bcad/s and rhe join. You will alśo necd a crochct hook finc cnough to go through the holcs in thc bcads.

As you rcach each join, place a bcad on the crochct hook, catch it ovcr thc formed picor and slidc thc bcad/s onto it. With thc hook still in thc picot, draw thc passive thread of thc ring or chain up through the end of the picot to form n smali loop. Then pass rhc shurtlc or nccdlc through thc loop to make a normal join.

Bead on the crochet hook



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