practice of Nature’s way of rebuilding men- men who have lost faith in hum-anity—men who do not believe there is hope for them on earth.
My course contains special WILL-POWĘR MOYEMENTS —the most scientific ever discovered.
Constipation is the discase bchind diseases. You can not keep fit if you sufler from this common complaint.
The bowels safeguard the body’s nutrition, collecting the part of our food which the body cannot use, the minerał poisons cxcrcted by the liver in the form of bile, the mucus, and other wastes of the body. The faccal mass has then to be pushed up the right side of the abdomen through the colon, across the top through the transversc colon, and down on the lcft to reach the rectum for cvacuation.
It is the peristaltic action of the muscular walls of the colon, by con-tracting and expanditig in rhythmic \vaves, that forces the waste matter along. To somc extent, the liver bile helps, as the bile is a natural purgative. Normally, there should be at least two rectum excavations a day. It is no use “ purging" the body, for the simple reason that this doesn't help the peristaltic action.
In my course are simple exercises which ąuickly cures constipation. Cure constipation, and you cure colds and a host of winter troubles, but, best of all, internal cleanliness givcs you that buoyant feeling that only fit folk know.
There is nothing mysterious about indigestion. The various symptoms of stomach-disorders generally included under this term can be considercd as a condition of functional disturbance of the glands of the stornach. The secre-tive and absorptiye functions of these glands may be impaired in many ways. Wilful disobedience of hygienic laws, especially the laws of eating, will prod-uce after mcals the symptoms of dis-comfort, or indigestion.
It is dangerousto attempt the treat-ment of indigestion with drugs. Drugs are opposcd to Naturę; their action is nothing morę than a bludgconing of the symptoms into a false State of inertia that may lead to other and morę harmful complications. Know what indigestion really means and you will readily understand the danger in “cures” that mean merely a postpone-ment of recurring attacks.
Indigestion has its origin in the dis-ability of the body to pass out of the system ccrtain substances rejected by the digestive organs as incapable of assimilation. The continued presence of lhose substances has many ill-cflects and is responsible for many distressing symptoms such as Headaches, I-assi-tude, Flatulence and Acidity.
There are, perhaps, no bodily dis-orders tnore readily and effectivcly treated by Naturc-Cure methods than the various stornach disorders.
With my up-to-date course you re-ceive exercises to develop every part of the body, both inside and outside. It’s the most complete system in the world.
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