How oftcn one hcars that Mr. Bos-pidnick or Mrs. Thistlethayte has " an attack of liver.” Actually it would be far truer to say that “ thcy had at-tackcd their livcrs.”
The livcr is a very harmless, hard-working organ, that is, unless it is pal-pably ill-trcatcd. Then it kicks with the forcc of an overgrown kangaroo.
You must control your livcr, other-wise your liver will control you. Do you remember that when Camera first landed in Britain it was reportcd that he had trouble with his liver? And no wonder, for he was always partaking of light snacks which consisted of about 3-lb. of stcak, half a dozen eggs, a largc fruit salad, two loaves of brcad, and mugs of powerful, cxcessivclv sweetcned coffec for his brcakfast, and his other incals wcre on a similar scalę.
Evcn a liver thc sizc of Carncra’s cannot cope with that sort of trcatment.
If you would kccp your liver in good condition you must do two things: eat thc right food and takc plcnty of the right kind of exercise.
Do you know that your liver is the largcst gland you havc, and wcighs from four to five pounds? it is situa-ted on thc right sidc of your body, im-niediatcly bclow thc diaphragin and is protcctcd by the lower ribs.
And, belieyc it or not, your livcr is not put thcrc to balance your body, or as a inakc-wcight. It has certain spcc-ific uses.
Firstly, it produccs bile, which is stored in thc gali bladder ready for usc in the digestiye process.
Secondly, it changcs the absorbcd foods so that they may bc casily assitn-ilatcd and build new tissuc.
hs finał function is to get rid of wastc and broken-down tissuc. This is carricd to the livcr in your blood, changed in form, filtcrcd through the kidneys and eliminated.
Your liver is an organ of self-defence and should be trcatcd likc a pal, not slavcd likc a member of a chain gang.
The liver is dependent very largely for its condition upon food and exer-cise; there is no part of the body which it is easier to kecp fit, and nonę morę simple to repair. Which is one reason why those who indulge in yiolent fits of temper as the result of “livcr" should be incarcerated as criminals.
“ Sorry, old man, I’vc got a groggy heart, and all that rough stufFs out of the ąuestion for mc. The doctor says that if I don’t rest hc'll not answer for the conseąuenccs.”
I could hardly believe my ears. Tt was Bill talking—Bill, who was one of the toughest lads you could mcct in a long day's hike!
But I soon conyinccd him that the doctor was wrong.
If you sit in an casy chair resting your fect all day, do you think your legs will become stronger? Certainly not. Thcn why should your heart be an cxccption?
We all know that men with cripplcd limbs arc urged to work them forafcw minutes every day, gradually inereasing the work, so that ultimately they bc-
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