achievement. Compare an athlete with a man who does not want strength and musclc and you will find, lirstly, a man sparkling with energy, abounding health, fuli of ambition, admirod and rcspected by all, while the latter is half dcad, but he doesn’t know it.
Flabby muscles are a surc sign of ncglcctcd physical activity and produc.e wcak minds. “Punch” and “pep” are lacking, vitality is Iow, energy for elear thinking and quick action is not there. But wherc muscular health and activity is present and well distributed, eąually ovcr the entire body, the rcsults are truły rcmarkable. There is in the strong man that attitude of confidcncc that develops that mysterious and in-valuable power known as a command-ing personality—the ability to impress others—that will make you stand out in a crowd wherevcr you are—that will make people seek you out, and will lead you to honours, distinction and prefer-ence.
Ask any wonicn what kind of a MAN she admires. Do you think she would choose a siekły weakling ? Of course not ; wonien want HE-MEN who can be depended upon in any emergency.
You can look around in your partic-ular community or in your field of activity, and the men of to-day who are doing the big things of lifc, with very few exceptions, are the men who are 100% physically fit. The recognition of the physical rcąuirements in all walks of life is growing every day with the most extraordinary rapidity. Are you ready for this new epoch that is upon
us ? Are you taking advantage of it to the fullest ?
Right now is the time to decide and do it ! You can transform your body and make yourself physically perfcct. If you are over-weight or under-weight, if you have sonie disability, ailment or bad habit, the APOLLON Institute will give you special lessons to overcome it without any extra charge whatsocvcr—it will be included in your regular course.
You can search the whole world through, you can try out all the dif-ferent propositions that advertise widcly and fiood the world with their danger-ous, crude teachings and ridiculous promises—but if you are after REAL RESULTS, quickly, surely and perm-anently you will eventually have to comc to the APOLLON SYSTEM. It is the only complete system in the fullest sense of the word.
THE APOLLON SYSTEM is backed up with a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied. THE APOLLON COURSE is ALL above board, noth-ing hidden. You get the whole truth straight from the shouldcr, man to man. No course, regardless of price, can give you as much. Your age is no barricr—young or old, it will do you equal good as you get instructions to fit your particular requirements.
Pupils in all parts of the world will back up cvcry word. What has been done for them can also be done for vou.
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