digestłve esscntials are cither too weak or scanty, thc morc food thcy arc brought into contact with thc less ef-fcctivc will be the Chemical changc so necessary for assimilation; and it is not thc ąuantity of food eatcn, there-forc, but thc amount assimilated that counts.
After years of constant experimcnt I discovcred an unfailing method which ąuickly adds sound HEALTHY fiesh. No spccial dieting, mind you. By a uniąuc combination of ORDINARY FOODS AND LIQUIDS, assisted by my secrct scientific system of exercises your wcight increases.
A most freąucnt case of ncrvc trouble is bad habits, and it does not mattcr what kind of habit is involved, late nights, alcoholic indulgence, over-work, ovcr-smoking, or any habit of self-ablisc, any or all can and will bring on Neurasthenia.
Take thc casc of a man approaching 30, a man, too, of cducation and posi-tion. He had become addicted to what hc dcscribed as "that awful habit” in his 'teens and as a rcsult, after yarious sulTcrings comnion to such victims, hc was guilty of a public offencc and sentenced to three months’ imprison-ment. His agony was rendered morc acute by the fact that hc was engaged to be married, and that although he fully realised the enormity of his offencc, he found thc temptation to re-pcat it almost overwhelming. He wrote, “ I conąuered my trouble for some cotisiderable time, but I find it again gaining ground and I am fcarful of thc conseąuences. The mcntal torturę, the knowlcdgc my own weakness gives nie is terrible. . . The loss of self-control is an awful affiiction. I would that sex knowlcdgc had bccn taughl me earlier to save mc from myself.”
SELF-ABUSE will make your life a
The handicap of nerve weakness is a terrible drawback. It makes real suc-cess almost impossiblc, one cannot en-joy life properly.
Depression, failing memory, sleepless nights, a constant tired fccling, loss of ambition, inferiority complex, weakened will power, arc just a few of the many symptoms all of which go to make life a " LI VING HELL.”
A man’s happiness depends entirely upon his Vital Powcrs. His success in social, domestic and business life cen-tres around this. If hc is not virilc he is not attractivc, magnetie, popular. His very manly strength is thc axis upon which his whole existencc rcvol-ves. Don’t lose hcart bccause you rcal-isc that you are not up to the standard of vital, vigorous manhood. Even if you arc almost a physical wrcck, I can help you. It docsn’t mattcr what your con-clition is, or what caused it. It may be your fault, and it may not. The only thing that rcally matters is that you should regain your Health, Strength and Vigour—be a Real Man. I havc devoted my whole life to the study and
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