•eonie normal again. And what applics to crippled limbs applies also to the heart. Don’t let anyonc tell you dif-ferent.
Ever heard of Brigadier-Gcneral C. G. Bruce, known in the Army as “Hercules” Bruce? He could lift out at arins’ length an list. man seated on a chair.
Weil, in 1920, he was invalided out of the Army for “ heart ” and told em-phatically that it was sheer death for liim to walk lip hills. But two ycars later he was leading a Mount Evcrcst expedition! Someone was wrotig, and it shows that even the finest Army doc-tors are liablc to err.
“ Tn addition,” says Bruce, “ they told me I had pernicious ansemia. Since then, howevcr, Tve been told that I might be pernicious, hut I was cert-ainly not ‘ ansemic.’ ”
Now let mc tell you something about your heart. It is a muscle, and by no means as fragile as most pcople imag-ine. On an average it beats 100,800 times a day, and during that period does sufficient work to lift 130 tons one foot high ! Ali the blood in your body passes through your heart every threc minutes, and it should be strong to copc with its work.
Nearly ten people in every hundred in Britain suffer from sonie form of heart disease, and nine of them are suffering unnccessarily. If they went to Doctor Oertel, one of the greatest heart specialists in Europę, he would not advise them to rest. His patients are madę to walk up hills; smali hills at first, but as their hearts strengthen they are taken up longer and steeper gradients. And not one has been known to drop dead from “ heart failure.”
Exercise, provided it is the right kind and inereased very gradually, greatly strengthens the heart and prepares it tor alniost unlimited work.
My system is beyond ordinary Phy-sical Culture, it is really the Science of Living. It is based on the system that enablcd mc to build up a physique de-clared by world-famous Physicians, Surgeons, Sculptors, Artists, Scientists and otliers to be “ THE MOST AMAZING SPECIMEN OF PHYSI-CAL DEYELOP M ENT” alive to-day. Editor of “Health and Efficicncy ” wrote : “One has only to look at the magnificent figurę of THE MIGHTY APOLLOM to realise that he must be one of the fittest and strongest men alivc to-day.”
I didn't get my GREAT STRENGTH and MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT by arm-flopping methods ! You must have resistance, and of the right kind. Merc flexing of the muscles will only tire you out, and break down morę tissue than you can ever build up. The ap-pliance I supply with my coursc con-serves energy — it's the Finest Body-Building Appliance of ALL Time. It can be easily carried in the pocket, and lasts for EVER.
Health, strength, and fine physiąue are life’s most precious jewels, better indeed by far than a fortunę in stocks and shares. You cannot have health without strength, or have strength with-out health. Fcw men realise that thcsc are the back-bone of cvcry human
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