1. The closing datę is Octobcr 15, 1953. Manuscripts may be sub-mitted at any time prior to that datę and sent to NOVEL CONTEST, Galaxy Science Fiction, 421 Hudson Street, New York 14, N. Y.
2. Manuscripts must be ORIG1NAL (never beforc published in any form) and not committcd to any other magazine or book publisher.
3. Novels submitted must be between 60,000 and 75,000 words in lenfcth, typed in black ink on one sidc of white bond papcr, doublc-spaced, with at least an inch margin on all sides and each page numbcred.
4. Manuscripts must be accompanied by sufficient postage for return.'
5. Thcre will be only ONE winner, but ell other submissions of merit will be given fuli considcration for possible serialization in Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine, book publication by Simon and Schuster, or both, at standard rates.
6. Thcre are no rcquircments, stipulations or taboos regarding themes. Fresh ideas and convincing characterization, conflict and plot de-vclopmcnt are the important criteria. Writers who enter the contest can best familiarize themselves with the standards of the judges through study of the science fiction published by Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine and Simon and Schuster.
7. Sole judges will be the editorial staffs of Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine and Simon and Schuster. The decisions of the judges will be finał.
8. Contestants agree, in submitting their manuscripts, to accept standard publishing agreements with the sponsors of the contest in the event that their novel is the winning entry. -
9. Anyonc may enter this contest cxcept cmployces of the Galaxy Publishing Corp. and of Simon and Schuster, Inc., and their families; AND authors who are ineligiblc bccause of contractual obligations to their present publishers . . . which means, in effect, that contestants will NOT be compcting with most of the established "big nanieś" of science fiction.