Exercise sweetens Uje
No othcr physical director in thc wholc world DA RE stand alongsidc mc and say he is physically superior. 1 DEFY any one to do it. A comparison of my photo* graphs with all other instructors in thc world—-and 1 don t care u>ho they are— will immediately convince you that I havc thc most pcrfcct development. Somc of my competitors say I talk too much about myself. They arc jcalous. I am a success and I’m not ashamed of it. Mighty few peoplc know how hard 1 worked to discover thc right way, thc scientific way, to get a PERFECT dcvdopmcnt. You have a right to know all about thc man who is to be your instructor. Other instmetors eiaim to be thc "Worlds Most Perfcct Man,” but you know yoursclf there can only bc one MOST pcrfcct man—I show you thc proof and back it up with a standing challenge. As my training built me from a weakling to thc Worlds MOST PERFECT and STRONGEST man that’s proof number one my System is superior. Now take a good look at my pupils—men whom I havc trained. Examine them in evcry way. MANY OF THEM ARE MORĘ PERFECT TIIAN OTHER PHYSICAL D1RECTORS ARE THEM-SELYES. A startling, staggering statement but true. Cornparc their physigues and convince yoursclf! I havc nothing to hidc. You have a right to know thc rcal facts. Rcmembcr, my pupils havc not bcen ycars in acquiring their physiqucs as have other instructors. They arc fcllows just likc yoursclf. That's proof number two. And now just read ovcr the few (of thousands) of unsolicitcd testimonials reproduccd herc. Read what thc pupils thc.msclvcs havc to say about mc and my Course. That is the third proof. Another surę cvidcnce of superiority and suprcmacy is that I am the ONLY Physical Director who has with him a well known, skilled Naturcopathic Physician—cali him a "Physical Culture Doctor” if you likc whose knowledgc of anatomy, physiology, the eausc, symptoms and cure of disease by NATURAL methods assures your course bcing planncd RIGHT and SCIENTIFICALLY according to your actual needs. It’s a double assurance of absolutc SATISFACTION and SERVICE—obtainable no where clse.
I don't care what condition your body is in right now—you can improve it. It is your duty to improve it—all thc timc, otheneise ii deteriorates and luilł eventually break down when yirn can least afford ił. It is sheer folly to attempt to try and build yoursclf up unaided just as it would be silly to repair an automobile engine if you didn’t know anything about it. Don’t take any chanccs, your body is too valuable, too precious to tamper with. I^t me help you. I know how, its my hobby and specialty to build men up.
Now is thc time to get started. It takes only a few minutes each day for a few short wceks and zingo! you find yourself the possessor of giant strength, Powerful useful Musdcs. Unlimitcd Vitality, Trcincndous Energy, Pcrfcct Health and a beautifully proportioned body. Whcn you come to figurę it out the cost to you is literally nothing. The smali tuition fee is nothing in comparison with the great inerease in your Health and Strength and earning power. Invest a few dollars in my Course and you'll never regret it. But don’t wasteanother day nor let any trivial excuse stop you from cnrolling at once.
Exercise will invigorate the mind