

Statcmcnl jcqutrcd by thc Act of August 12. 1970; scctioo 36S5. HOe 39, United Suics Codę stowiAg Uię Ownmhip. Management and Ctrcttlaboo of AnaJf»g Socnee FicUon— Science Fad, publbhcd monthiy. for Octobcr I. 1973.

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(Mgncd) Harold G. Meyer. Viec Preudcnt of Owner

7. Latent and Naturę of Circuintton


Total No. copits prinlcd ...................................

Avcrage No. Copica cach issuc during prcccding 12 montht 175417

Single muc nearest to filing dale __ 176.426


Paid Circulauon

1. Sale* thtough Dealer* and Camera, Street Yendon and Counier Sald ,,

70 750

70 000

2. Mail Subscriptiona...................................



...... 46.700


Total Paid Circulation..........................


116.521 .....



Frec Distrihution by Mad, Carricr or Other Means 1. SatnplM, Complimentary. and Other

Frec fooicł ...................................

953 .......


2. Copic* Diśułbulcd to Newa Accnts, hut

n»*»t iold............................ .....

56.333 ........



Total Ditfnbution..........................................


_____ 175.560


Office u«, lcft<over, unaccountcd. spoiled affer nriotinjt . . .......






-- 176.426

I oectiiy that the sutemento madc by mc above arc correct and compłcic.

(signed) Harold G. Meyer. Vicc Prcsideat of Owner


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