Statcmcnl jcqutrcd by thc Act of August 12. 1970; scctioo 36S5. HOe 39, United Suics Codę stowiAg Uię Ownmhip. Management and Ctrcttlaboo of AnaJf»g Socnee FicUon— Science Fad, publbhcd monthiy. for Octobcr I. 1973.
I Locatton ol' known offkc of Pubiieation i* 350 Madison Avcnue. New York, New York 10017
2. Locauon of thc Hcadauartcrs or General Business Office* of thc Pubhshcn w 350 Madison Avenue New York, New York. 10017.
3, The name* and addrcM** of thc puMUhcr, cditor, and raanaging eduor uie: Publisher. Nonc; Editcr flen Bova, 350 Madison Avcnuc. New York, N.Y. 10017, Manag-ing Eduor. Nonc.
4. The owner i>; Hic Condć Na*t Publicaliom Inc., 350 Madison Avcnuc, New York. New York. 1(017. Siociboldcr: Through Intcrmcdiate Corporation* to Advance Publica-tiont, Inc. S. I Newhousc, sole voting Mockholdcr
5 Known Boodhółdcrs* Mongauces. and other security holdcr-c ownmg or holding I pcrccnt or morę of total amount oi bondr, tnortgagcs or other secunbes are: Nonc.
6. 39 li. S C 3626 pxovidcs in pertment part; “No person who would h»vc bcen en-titlcd to mail matter under fonner tectton 4359 of tw* titlc shall (Mil such matter at the rato provided under thi» wbsection unlcss he filet annually w uh thc Postał Semcc a writlcn requc*t for perromkm to mail roauer at such ram"
In .łccordance with thc provhton» of this natute. I hereby rc^uesl permJbukm to mail thc pubuc.tUon named in Item I at thc reduccd po-siugc ratea piescntly .luthumcd by
39 0. S. C. 3626.
(Mgncd) Harold G. Meyer. Viec Preudcnt of Owner
7. Latent and Naturę of Circuintton
A. |
Total No. copits prinlcd ................................... |
Avcrage No. Copica cach issuc during prcccding 12 montht 175417 |
Single muc nearest to filing dale __ 176.426 | |
B |
Paid Circulauon 1. Sale* thtough Dealer* and Camera, Street Yendon and Counier Sald ,, |
70 750 |
70 000 | |
2. Mail Subscriptiona................................... |
Pf*f***H |
45.771 |
...... 46.700 | |
C. |
Total Paid Circulation.......................... |
_ AM AM MM A |
116.521 ..... |
116.700 |
D. |
Frec Distrihution by Mad, Carricr or Other Means 1. SatnplM, Complimentary. and Other Frec fooicł ................................... |
953 ....... |
|60 | |
2. Copic* Diśułbulcd to Newa Accnts, hut n»*»t iold............................ ..... |
56.333 ........ |
58,000 | ||
E |
Total Ditfnbution.......................................... |
173.807 |
_____ 175.560 | |
F |
Office u«, lcft<over, unaccountcd. spoiled affer nriotinjt . . ....... |
1.610 |
866 | |
O |
Total.........................-..................................... |
175.417___ |
-- 176.426 |
I oectiiy that the sutemento madc by mc above arc correct and compłcic.
(signed) Harold G. Meyer. Vicc Prcsideat of Owner