* fntry of llrookhrld Mea*urement«
Numbci ul Bioofclield >p<n-viscotity pdiis in Bot
You co*rt changs iNs nuirita hete Tochangr. ckfc thc BACK buton
Cnlci RPM of pan
tnler Vi*cosiły of pan i
Heplicate I
Cnlei Viicoaiif oJ paa
Repiicole I
il you irtend to port revM on a piruet 'tial is NOT you detoufc pinie*, clck the Selecl Pnrte* fcutcn You idectsn wił appęor <ri tke le>* bc« to the ńght
Thi; wll NOT make fhe p*ńi« you setecl ihe new ddeuk pinie*, li Mi* Orect? rosUU you war* lo per* to bie p'r*ei you idee* he*e
Sdeci Pńnte* |HP DeikJol &40C/341CV&«2C/
Plenną BaCK to letum to Ihe pne* łoim na-.e: AU. data you ertered herd