Metodyka 1

Metodyka 1

^lodĄ - e*«o>v

1.    According to N.Grant the last stage of CB evaiuation is „In-use” stage. Name the first 2 stages : *lnitial evaluation * detail evaluation

2.    Name 6 elicitation/testing techniques: *mu!tiple choice questions *c!oze procedures *T/False *gap fiiling & completion *matching *sentence reordering

3.    Characterfstics of a good test: *vadility *reliabi!ity *do-ability *clarity *scorability *interest *heterogeneity

4.    Reliability. 'a good test shouid give consistent results’, for eg. If the same group takes the same test twice within two days - without reflecting on the first test before sat it again - they shouid get the same results each time

5.    Vadility: ‘a test is valid if it tests what it is supposed to test’. It is not valid to fest writing ability with an essay question that requires specialist knowledge of history unless all Ss share fhis knowledge before they write the test

6.    CATALYST *C - communicative *A - aims *T - teachable *A - avaiiabie *L -level (appropriate to the level)*Y -your generał impression (if you like it) *S - Ss interests (will Ss be interested in the CB)*T - tried and tested (did sb else used it and liked it)

7.    SARS Seiect - Adapt - Reject - Supplement

8.    MATERIALS *M-method *A-Appearance *T-Teacher-friendly *E-Extras *R-Realistic *l-lnteresting *A-Affordable *L-Level *S-Skilis

9.    Eclectism - combining different theories, conceptions and theses into one thing

10.    What are open ended łasks... is an activity which potentially has unlimited number of correct answers

11.    What does it mean to open a closed ended łask? Changing a question in such a way that Ss can express his/her opinion

12.    What kinds of tests do you know according to the purpose they serve.

*placement *progress *diagnostic *proficiency *prognostic

13.    A test is heterogeneous when provides an opportunity for useful practice to all of different leveis in the class

14.    List 5 different kinds of syilabi: *topic-based *skill-based *functiona! *task-based *situationa!

15.    Criteria for syilabus design: Learnability (teachina easier things first and then increase the lvl of difficulty as the Ss’ Ig !vl rises) Freguency (teaching items which are used morę frequent in the Ig, than ones which are only used occasionally by native speakers) Coyeraae (teachina words & grammar structures which have greater scope for use than others) Usefulness (teachina vocab & grammar useful af Ss’ particular Ig lvl) Teachability (teaching first easier to explain although of lower frequency, than things difficult to explain or demonstrate)

16.    A progress test is measuring learners’ Ig and skill progress in relation to the syilabus they have been foliowing. They must contain item types which the Ss are familiar with. They shouid reflect progress not faiiure.

17.    Lg aptitude refers to the prediction of how well a person can learn a foreign Ig in a given amount of time and under given conditions.


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