mk2 p4

mk2 p4



We recomnu-nd Ark-! riders to obiaiu utty spares which tlicy may require through their local dealer In oasc of diflicnlty. howcver. parts may be obtaineil ilirect from mir Servi<:e Department,


Always seiul a Sparc Parts Order on a sępamte shcct willi naine and uddrcss. Do not enibmly tlu- order iu a lettcr, although the letter and order can be sent in the same enwlope. This procedurę will avoid delay in the despatcli of parts. See Spccimen Order Form on page 5.

(iive Spares Ntmd»er and descriplion ot part Also quote Engine and Frame Numbers w i tli preftx letters. li ss any donbt conccrning the part reipnred, return the old part as pattern; this will not be retnrned with the new part unless askeil f<ir The engine number and prelix letter will be found stamped upon the crankcase, drive side. immodiately beiow the Cylinder Błock. The frame number and prefix letter is stamped upon the saddle hm

Hu- symlłols k-S or O S and L;S or N,S indicate tlu- right-hand side and IHt-hand side tespei tiv«-ly of the machinę as indicated by the ridćl w hen sitting on tlu; saddle.

II you have an account. tlu- goods will Ih- despatchcd as soon as possible after receipt of order, If you have no account, it will facilitate despatcli it reinittance to cover cost of goods, postage and parking is enclosed.

If you have no account and reinittance is not onelosod, we shall Ir- pleascd to despatcli per C 0.1). post or seiul Pro Forma Iuvoice as instructcd

When telegraphing a inoney order do not fail t<» giv«- your nami- and address. and coiicisc particulars of your requireinents.

Goods retnrned tnust be sent carriage paid. and relativelv fragile parts, sucli as cylinders, etc., sliould be very sccurely packed to avoid damage. La bel parts retur,qe<l with name and address of seiuler

We art pleased to give estimates tor overhau!s aiul repairs, but cnnnot givo firm quotatioiis as neccssities may be diseoeered not foreseen when estimating.

Shouhl an estlmate not be accepted. payment for dismantling and rcassembling must be madę.



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