m c+29+ +11

m c+29+ +11



{macic crochet)


Or.gin.il design h) Ynko Su/u ki

sr/.h Nboui M* inehcs u.ii.trr U4TERI I/-S b Iiw. vj) balls Paul crodid coiton no. 5. ceru. \iud ero-Ciel h«Mik m/c I Słł (I S ii/t K).

(i Il.Of Mdii \    6 |/I”sqUvW

TO MAKk MOJU l Imaktf -i Siiirtinum loHcr edgc.di 103 //.«. / Ch r> u eh coum a* first dc. .Uh form fir*J d Ipi. werk I i. ni luli tli from hook } eh *k 2 si dc m ncxl >i. i Ćł), łfc i «. I *e In nexł m i. u ik s ihcn nnrk y ch sk 2 »t I dc m rcM si. ’1 eh. sk 2 st. I dc iii n.*xi st. I cii I | dc iii i-jch uf iicxi 2 mi. 2 eh.

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■s.irking u- per długi im Kemem ha.

ihe lacit diii li is a )-ruw dilch.

FtSISUIMi Mir; u*ni| lL*li'iv Ib Mo lift \ sew (henn togdher u* fum .i (r.intc iTic Pil Mu il wil hec unc Ihc ecnici muld ni SeciiiM'. U StA 'lH>\ H \IU*t crniplriioj* iow of central Moli! \. do nul ciii inrcad. coni wnking rows uuiwml cent d mol I iih słumn Hi diuiir.im. I Ince ch C«um as firn dc (hrouBho.it; dow uli niift willi J \i in iiip ol eh-.* In eor-nersanc lillowiny Dci.ul diagram On ind VI. iuiii Scv non li lo ilic n Molift \ wiih ii -.i .i-i pci Oci.ni diag-.im U>cr\(, kn.łx ł-H Wdh uch1 ode łacin*.uiŁocli ihrcud win -4 ni iii l.hh '1 of beg eh ol .im mohl \ on lu ft cd*c oflablcclolh. Hien celni *nrkmjt .o .In w li iii l>r > I i i; igra ul ttl r</ I: Ch llicn wo’k iii *.v sc ovci ;le. > *c in c.ich di Ip. duce «*ti'i s| s in llrsi 't Rut! !j Cli lltcn beg uiih 2<’d •>v. work II h ■ ch, i sc. | t-di puli si, 7 dl I *1 d ir Inp o |H-'II ■i ch.sk .'beiiUiiu id cniuc lubkduih. ni eoirris. nie as |icr Lklail d ugram: dosrus n mo 12 f jsien off


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9** ^>olifs t<ij«ll%«» lo lorm Iramt


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