50777 m c+29+ +50

50777 m c+29+ +50

(macic crochet)





SIZf Ditecliuns arc lor si/.e 36*38 (medium). working w uli sieci crochei iipok si/t I Tn chungc ske.s. work i\< follows For sizt 32-34. li w Steel ero* li i Iiiu)k m7c 3. lor m/c IU42. usc sieci ciuchci hook dze oo.

IUUT.Rt I f.S I ngenr y. wcighl y irr in neryllc. 27 o/a. blue yi*v. Steel cm chel jipos >i/e 3 m uiMncl* inne <»r iiz.es). SiK bulion* For ssm ciastic. 2h“ u leilgth reqiiired; /i iptri In lii \ki• t opeuing Inmg. .h>' wicie lit brie.

1    1/2 yds in matchlńg colnr.

PA irrii V STU CU f.S lm-si:Uh ifWł/j /\'<»ii J Work in dc. ft/w 2 ? ch. sk 2 ill. I nL in nc.\t ile. 2 eh, .sk 2 Uc A’otv f: I cli. sc over eh* 2. ? . li. I sc ości iicM cli-2. I c i Utul-'/ :

2    di I se ovcr eh 2 ? eh. Rep rowc ariel I lor pat ! łr\cn- ;n(< h tnotił :

How l : Work n dc. Am\ J Work ij eh, .sl. 3 dc. 1 sc m ncxi iU • ty/icć.

3    ch Aon 2 di. I >c m 2nd > ol

Jt-3.7 de qvei nc.xl ■ It-5 i n ?ntl \l et ncxl ch-3, 2 cli Aon -i 1 ile iii sc. I sc m center dc ol 7-tlc grp. 7 ch ni i itr xi sl. Kot\ 5 . > ch. I sc in centjt ol 7-dc erp 7 dc in ic. I <i in center ńl pext 7-dc t* r 11    3 ch.

Ann 6    '■ cli. I sc oyct di 3. 3 dl.

1 sc n center ol dc pip 3 di

I cc fivcr di*3. t ch. Aon Work 13 ch. I sc over cli-3> lwice. 3 di Rep row* 3 through 7 lor pat.

f.-.t i Ci    A -T .sl| sw. il Ii 23 sl*

and 1.3 row* in dc iryi.ni do no! Cibhiin iluś u.iuuc. iry using kuper nr smalk r hook,

Na te Unbracketać i-umberr. reler to jnches. nuiTibfc-r-m brać keta ref er to smehęs.

TO W AKF. Skin W iuk u; i >iic piccc. willi sin >s In dc hel cuch mmii Sum* ng ai top. ch «»4 plus 3 to lurń i * di limm iis Cist dc throuplloul'. Dc. Dividc lofMiips uh follows 4 dc (silić) (I rive-sl. tell mol il, '> lic. I clcveivM'jt<;h moitC. '* dcnwicc* i lice-ętilchiiioiil. Iui.k-|s.ilj,'. upyincu tTHirt Imm 'ui”. cml witlt I fv«--si ih.hi: s Uc Ceni wnrking in mws and i urn-jng On row 3. mc 12 s.* m dl slripsi, su ihiit jini lince | stpp o; ■' ile

4 slrip.s ul IU dc. I slrip «r 12 lic,

•i mii|k ol in dc imd s i u i ni u dc li il oYisr nic ni same mannę on row.s 6. 8. 10 16 umi IX On iow. 21 tom snles witll sl >1 and coilt wurk.ng in mds. bul remember to itltcmatc* I rrul will* cm in; mdc lin mg and I md willi righl suk lacmg Kep nic US almce on rruls 27. 32, 3H. *15 and lic i’ riinrc linie* ccci) ś rnil.* Iłcg

willi md 82 Work 3 mds m sc to llnish skiri Across top edge wmk I mws in sc. NNork I rnw in >c .Hong sulc opcninu onci waisibundj. Center zipper nvtr Opening and sew Ul place

r/\fSf/ł\C l old Iminę ■.roeswise .uuJ place \kirt on lahnc ('ul lininc l.dlow-iug skul oiiilmc. addiiij.'. 57S" ■•..mi ttllpwąnge on cacli sjde and I !.'2" mi lo ' and on h«'Ilon. edge* sutcli •;IUc scaim, leacdng i>t>cnilii! for /ipper same lengili as m skirt Make -l tliirls a: wmstline lJrcss durts and vwn»

I leni i ip. insert elaslic. stlicliing il n place al ends \S'uli nghl nhIcs lugdhei sc w liimg :<> skirt ul watsllinc and iirounU zipper Nem llnirg so tlwi u k

one indi sin i . i llian skiil

JACKU li ACA Mailing .U hottuni cilge. ch r, Akm l . Dc R«w 2

Dic iile lorstrpsas tbllowc 7dc. I łlee-si mmii 12 dc. I dcvcri-sl iiiutif . 12 dc.

I In c-d mol U (•-cni.-i t. IZ dc. I :kvcn-m niuiit. 12 dc. ! iHe**si nou , 7 dc. Afrjwv 3-J Work cvcn iii pal si /'<>»• fi. Dec 1 st on cuch sidc Rw\ V-Jł W mk L*ve i Aon /2 l>ce (' si.s.hi lilii! c oli lilie© het eucli moi u 3 dc. 11! dii I linie* cml w lh ś dc Kep lhi* dcc (ovcrdcc.)on mv> I6 Wurs evenonall olłier mus Rmy lii Im n %łs. mi (łun yoa hiivc het cuch motif 5 dc.i 11 dli I mieś. 5 :ic. Rep lhis mc (over int.i

on sw, 30 and 34 Work cvcn 011 al) olłier mws A.m Inc I st on' cacH sidc. so ihat you I111YC lui coch moijl 8 dc, (13 dc) -i times, 8 dc. ft<*\ -o SH licu piece nica.sure.s 13” imm hcg. shap> owPulh * I Juc H st< < mi eac li snic imce Working iii di over Hyc-sI mat I i>n c.icharmholecdge.dec I stonkach sidc evciv iow 3 limes lyuu now luce 13 dc on cuch .irmliolg edge). ^hen armliolc measares o 3/JT fron bcu, sfaw 1 \horhfm I )cc 1111 cach siec8 st> imce. ihen remuining,J si.s



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16 3/8“ (98)

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