m c+29+ +19

m c+29+ +19

(magic crochet)




Sl/.t : 29 \ 10 mchcs t/.-łTFMłAtS Cruchel cullon no 30. one (216-ydi bali cuch in gold «ind in orange. steeł crochci hook l S sijc lo

TO \HKk WNk.lWLt. With oninge. ch 5 Ron I Ch 5, in 6ih s\ from liook work I siei! i 2 dc. 2 ch. 2 de). a 2nd Shell in first si of beg ch; ch 5. turn Row 2 Shell over shell. ch 2. sh o sh. ch v tum Rows >25 Cant parking in rows.us shown in diagram In row 7, beg pincapplc hiisf work 15 u. Ir. center lp of pre-vj0U5 r. In row 8. work 15 Ic wilh I eh hel LMch Now work lip of pincapplc in 5-ch ips \P.e-completingilrsipine-upplc cul thread. Attach Ihrc.id n lirst -i o beg eh iscc whitc wedge) md work as 2nd pincapplc to cum> spond. Cul thread To work a 3rd pine-tipplc hel ihesc iwo. mi uch thread m top ol Ilrsi luming ch (sec whitc wedge) .md om Ims moli with sc to the olher lwu as you work along Next work n pincapplc pairs joining cach molif to preyious molik willi sc iii cuch of 3 cli ps , finally work a pincapplc ir o to correspond lo the lirst trio. joining ihern as before nu. IN S/OT/T With goJU eh 8 .nul join to form me. Rad t In ring work 16 dc 13 ch count as Ilrsi dol; elose w ilh sl st in lop of ch-3. Rud2: Work 16 te (9 ch count as fi*st te) witli 3 ch bet cach. elose with sl st in top of cb-4 Rud J ; Ch I. then work in se 3 in \;ch rh lp I in cuch te; dosc willi sl sl in first sc. Rud 9 Working ‘t over si (cl aster 4 te, ch 3. I sc in corcspund-ing ch lp ol pincapplc. ch 4| |t> limes; elose w uh sl a in firsi cluster Cut thread. Work and join 6 mmc fill-in motlfs in same mnnper

COMPLFTED WORK (łuilli golu

EDGING Altach go!d thread as i ud -cated bv whitc wedge in diagram. Rad / : In sc ni ig hook nnder eh Ips of pmcapple.s. work (one 3-te puli st.7eh) around. last 7-ch lp 3 eh and I te in ;op of first puli Rłttk 2-5. Work m eh Ips, as per diagram Rud 4 Ch 9. then work i te n ncxt ch p .1 ch

2-dc cluster in top of last te, I te In same ch lp as last te. 5 eh) around; bci cach 2 pineapples sk 5 eh.as shown in diagram and in cach of the 2 uh ]ps at the tip of cach pincapplc work {I te. 3 ch. 2-dc c lister in top uf last te. I te in same sp as last te. 5 ch) twice;elose md Ihus In > * ii 2*di i luster in top ol las: te. sl sl in -Ith sl ol c.h-‘> Fast en ofl











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