m c+29+ +28

m c+29+ +28

(magic crochet)



| Onjcuul design b\ E. Ihornbrunh Sr/J \ho.Jf JO x 17 nches

WATEMILS On*(40S .nouu .-helia crochet cntlon no 20. pixlachin grecn. Slccl erochet h< «>* 1 s u/c 12.

;. | tż 1 k/ Starflng .1 cc iiei cl l | Rr.d I Ch I. hc« with 2nd st Irom hook work I se m caili sit neross * 11 sc. eh i-, wo*k 11 *e on »thcr skJc ol heg eh. ch. r» elose* with sl st in lirsi sc Rnd 2. Ch 3 lo count os firsl dc. wurk

eh. sk 4 sc. I dc in ncxl sc)lw(cc. m eh l|> Ifc ch. I de) lwice*. 6 eh. I de in ec, rep fium *onei- umu io .1 i-rcspomi. end wili) *1 o m u p «>i ch » (mslead of dc m se ». Rud J *Ch I. wnrk (I sc :n dc. 2 >c in eh Ip. 6 ch) 10 limes, up u* md 19 ind elose wih sl st in firśl sc Knłs 4f> (li I. •>k first te ol ciieh grp. work tsc over sc. ? sc in eh Ip. ł» chi .rround Rnd\ Ifi / V. h . sk first .ind l.ist se of cuch giji. woilc *13 l I, 9. 7) sc, 6 cli, iii eh Ip* I Se. I eh. I sc. h ch. rep irom •.irourd Rud JO : Ch 1. wori (5-se -luster n midd c «r*.unc. 6 eh. in ch Ip* I sc. I eh. I sc. 6 ch; elose ihes irrl ncxt rntl with I eh. I dtc in firM SC (C0UId> lic t* dli Rtyls 21-27 Wnr< in eh lp> .in per U ugram, las! Ip in mds

22-26    2 ci, I ic in hrsi sc usi lp

in rr.d 27-3 ch. 1 dc in fint sc Rud JH Ch I. hrg willi Inst tli Ip worit • ! sc in eh Ip, o ch. t dc in nem ch Ip. 6 eh. I u* In ncxt ch Ip. f» ch beg w ih ncxi eh Ip rep Irom • oround. ciosc wilh *1 st n firsl *c Rrd. .V IIcc rrd 29 witn I d sl in cuch of ncxt 4 et. v*ork theee mde in dc. ch. v and sl et, lollnwint; di.igrim Rłtd,46:i h 14, work *2 dc eluster I dc 111 cli Ip. I de in next eh pl I eh rep Irom * iiround. erd wilh I dc in lust eh p and elose as in md ? ftnd 47 . Work I se in top ol cuch 2 de eluster. II sc in c;ieh eh Ip. elose ihis .md nc \i rnds w uh sl st in firo sc

Soo photo p 64


K*yr-^s J




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