m c+29+ +43

m c+29+ +43

(magic crochet)



S/Z£ : 12. Slzes 10 and 1-1 ore giver.

III JKłUMltllCM** mblltll IIIMIIICIldllS jikI

Ouigrarn When oni/ one figurę *. givcn il appllćt lu .ill Ulice si/cs

MATEJUAtJi : 1/2 (249-yd)bali*cro-chct cotton nu 10. whilc Sieci ero* chet hook si2e 11.18” wide lighlweighi co Ilon lubric. soch as India i gau/e. 2 1/2 yard* 12 73 yds 2.1/4 ydsł. PArrrRSSrinH V\| rkcdnnamul-tiplc ol i sls pus 2 Raw I ; l h 2. wich Jrd st fr irn hdok «wk * I di

I ch I dc in ncxt st. >k st. rep from * .icross. en:l willi dc in Insi m; urn. Rb* 2 and cacUfoUawmę rtm Ch 2.

. h ch-i w. »rk |dc IdumdlcJc, rep fnotn 'across Pii iii :    j cl

I >c n first st of ch-3

GAUCf. \ 4" stj swoich - 38st.samJ 16 row> ir paiterr. stilch Ifyou do nul abtair. this gauge. :ry using lurger or sm.ilier hook.

TO \t \kl Yokt bmk :Cl: 125 <119-131). work .icross In patiem si for 17 row.% Work row 18 in pic ols Yokv from :Ch 125(119-1311, woris a cross m pultem st for 11 ows. Wmk row 12 iii picots Slnmhler strap Ch 61) (54-66J. work 2 rows jn pai st across bęg crt, ihcn 1 row uf pic oh. Work .i sccond sirjp and sol both usidc

See photo p 48

fVOM V cUi out fcuiek and from .i* km diagram Overc»isl sidc edges miii stitcli ihcnt together, jIIow ng 5/8’ fot »c.ims- In cairi lop edge Mikh 2 imwn ol gaCicring .ind drów ihreuds uncl lop edgeand yoke fil Pul yok eongjiliereu edge. h.ist.:, and somi ń filncó i m-.ii gnwn wlth 3/4** hem

HWSHm; .* Attucli thicud to armhblc edge of gown. work I row of picom ar.iund armholc. conl .icross edge ol yoke b.iek. beg ch nl shouldcr itnip and edge of yoke from Rep i n opposilę side u correspoml. Se w sheu dei Slnips to Mtlcs ol c.u h ynkc sccl on





MATERtALS .Sitek and sweuter yarn tor huby yam) in ucryłic. ~ ots. white. Steel ciuchci hook ci/e X).

\U!1. i /an •>/: Work m Irum kfl lo right insicad of from rmhi tu lefl Slułł st W ork 4 di in same sl Lunp ft (5 ch, sk 3 st$, I sc m nc\i sri rcpcricil: ir ncu andsułisrijiirni nwi work (5 ch, I sc n ch ip df previt)Us row i ai rosN Paltem st is cxplaincd in


10 MAKE Ch 366. work 2 row\ in hdc f2 -cli couńl as first hdc and as turning ihi tani m pattrni sl ts billów s /fiłu / rl s+.cll in irst st t3 ch connl as first di »iml . % tuming ch UirougnouM. sk l sls. I Shell in next sl. 4 ch. sk -I sis. I sc in next si. 4 ch. sk -I >ts, rep from ‘across; end wiih slicl .sk I sis. I sheil. Row2 ■) shell

ni first <li of li si shell, I shell in 4th dc ol 2nd shell, 4 cli, 1 sc over sc, •I ch rep fio u ‘acruss. end willi 2 słiells. Rn\ J Same us r 2. Ro* / WUrk J ch. I dw bel 2 sfoells of pies r. * sk 3 dc. I shell m nc\l dc. shell m nexi dc 4 ch I sc bot 2 shells, I ch rep from *. i -1 • • - end wid t shell ni 4ili dc. ) cli bet 2 -.helis. AUn 5 Cli 4 conl as in i ? Rou ft


17 3.4'

(12 i r 13 1





12 3 4



17" 13 1 2M!

2 1/«*

ar izr ttri

2 1

See photo p. 49

Sanę as r 2. Ru* 7 Same a> * 4 AS.u H Sanie as i 5 Ruw Samca*

1    6 As of row 10. rep row* 4 throueli l) fur patiem uni I only one itrp <i(

2    shelis is Icfi; work 3 morę tovs> aeross ihe 2 shclls Fusien od

ED(th\(r On Iwo .short *idos nl trinngle work 9 rows m loop st. Aft er contplcl mg cdgirg. work acros>baseu| i i. ngie. it u iudinc ihe edgesof loop st

ruws. as followril I row n luf., llici

I row in crah st,

ERł\(!ES Wint: yarn uronnd c-.nil-hoard 9 iichcs wide C ul yarn at one end <-1\ kle intogrps nf6 or. nds. I ild

ii hitil and w dli en ichst jioolt

loidcil cml liiu-ugh csich ch Ip uf edging Draw >arn ends lluoayh v.rn lotip and ligliten knul



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m c+29+ +38 (magic crochet) HANOLB <0r^V-    iJłJift»le«5) V, v/li ffl I (ydlo^J c
m c+29+ +47 (magic crochet) totmctńmi p. U
m c+29+ +51 (magic crochet)32 JM KFT FROM Siarhog .<1 hoUt:m tdgc. ch 47 Rm /   &
#32 Magic Crochet Oct84 (12) OVALFLAIR On^imil design ł> / A ffuwthmgh SI/J: : About 20 1/2 x 2
#32 Magic Crochet Oct84 (43) (magic crochet)E 30,36 dc. Rnd 16: Work even Rnd 17 Dcc 6 >ts cvcnl

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