#32 Magic Crochet Oct84 (43)

#32 Magic Crochet Oct84 (43)

(magic crochet)


30,36 dc. Rnd 16: Work even Rnd 17 Dcc 6 >ts cvcnlv - 30 dc Rnds 1N-

19    • Dcc 5 si.s cvcnly on ca md - 25.

20    dc. Divide Work Jor lx%s ; Leave I si on ca sidc m center unworkcd, coni on one side wnh 4 mds dc on 9 sts; completc other sidc lo corre-spond Ąrm * (make 2) WithW.work 3 rows dc across 34 sts following diagram. Halo With Y. form Ip. Rnd 1: Ch I to beg sc mds throughout. in Ip work 6 sc; ctose wilh s! st in lirsi sc throughout. Rnd 2: Inc 6 sts cvcnly -12 sc. Rnds 3-9 : Inc 6 sts on ca md as per diagram Rnd 10: Work ' sc in sc, in next sc work I hdc. I p (« 3 ch. sl m first st ofch-3) and I hdc. rep from • around. Asscmble.


halo ła lim* ol lifcad


______Sarion 1 (make ?)

W uh C. work 5 dc rows across 30 sts. Covcr piece ofwood mcasuring 3 1/2* long. 3/8" wide and 1/4" high, sew seums. Sealon B W ith C. work 14 dc rows across 10 sts. cont with 5 morę rows m dc, fosten olT; completc 5 morę rows on other narrow edge to coitc-spond; on ca long edge, pick up 34 sts and work 5 rows in dc. Scction C (make 4) With C. Ibrm Ip, in Ip work 10 dc i first dc » 3 ch throughout. closc mds with sl st in top of ch-3).


Work even in dc for X rnds niorc, fasten olT. Slip piece ol wood insidc and assemblc manger as shown in diagram.

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IO dc

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OX brnwn    ($ HtAO    Q)tg6    2

After completing uli pieces. asscmble ox follow ing diagram.

lQ,WtBod\ Willi BR, work 5 rows across 22 sts. ( om picie 2nd piece in same manner. Sew 2 pieces together across back and taił end edges.

Belly: With BR. work 9 rows dc across 4 sts; on r 10 (cluster 2 dc) lwice. Insert belly strip bet lowcr edges of body, sew Neck . Pick up IX sts around ncck end of body and belly. work 2 mds even in dc. then dcc 2 sts on 3rd rnd as shown m diagram at bottoni ol ncck. Head. With BR. form Ip. Rnd 1: Ch I (to beg ea sc md). 4 sc in Ip; close with >1 st in first sc throughout. Rnds 2-4 : Inc 4 sts evenly on ea md -16 sc. Rnds 5-10 : Work evcn in sc. Rnd II Dcc 2 sts even)y - 14 sc. Rnd 12 : Dcc I st Rnd 13 : Dcc 5 sts evenl> - X sts. Rnd 14 Dec 4 sts evenly. Sew remaining 4 sts together (top of head) k*(mnkc4): With BR. work 6 row s dc across 6 sts. Completc

7    morc pieces in same manner Sew ea 2 pieces together and słufl (sec diagram). Horn (make 2); I row sc across

8    sts. Ears : 3 ch and 3 dc in same st for ea car. Tali 2 rows sc across 12 sts.



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