Kasy lo makv
SIZE: ll) 1/2 inchcs sguarc.
MA TER/AIS: Pcarl cotton no. 5. red : 2 (10-gj bidls. Steel crochct hook, IIS si/eO. Rustic cotton print, piece 171/4"
sguarc (a bandanna might do). Nccdle .ind matchmg ihread.
TO MAKE : Hem fabric sguare fi ret : l urn utidcr 1/4". then 1/2" and liand-stitcli hem in place - piece now mea-sures 16 l/2"<incach side Work Edging in filet, .is per diagram. Work I eh. (sc m en dc, 2 eh) across Insi row Ol en side to continue edging 1'rame. Allcr eompleting 4th side, fu sten off, leavc long end lo sJin-stitchbcg eh to 4th side. thus eompleting 1'rame.
hJNISHING : Sew completed edging ftumc to fabric squnrc wilh nccdle and thread, 1/2" from edge ofhcm fold.
1 1/7"
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20* ISI rowu |
SIZE : 23 inchcs sguarc.
M \ TER I AIS . Crochoi cotton na 5. white I 1/2 (10*g) hall Steel crochct hook, US si/.e 4. Cotton print, piece 20" sguarc plus. on each side. hem ullowancc 3/4". Nccdle and thread.
TO MAKE : Heni fabric sguarc as for Rustic IMaccmat. Edging : Starting at narrow edge, ch 12 plus 3 to tum throughout.cont Work ing as shown in diagram. In each comer. work 3 ext.m rows, in dc. ch and sc. as shown. Altcr eompleting edging. sew fop ofend rovs
to beg ch with over-and-over stitches Słip-stilch edging to fabric (sec Sntchcs and Technigucs in back of maga/me)