#32 Magic Crochet Oct84 (41)

#32 Magic Crochet Oct84 (41)

(magic crochet)



SfZE: Scc dlagmms for prccisc mcas-urcmems.

MATERIALS : Crochct colton no. 8. 10-g baUs 20chcstnut (C) forstablc.5 whilc (W).2yellow (Y), smali amount ca cherry red (R). pink (P). bcige (B), bluc (BU, gray IG), brown (BR).

orange (O), green (GR), yellow (Y), violci (V), navy bluc (NB), bluck. Sieci croehel hook US sizc 9. Card-board, piece 10 1/4 x 26 inchcs and piece 10 1/4" sq. Smali picccs of wood (sec Manger diagram). Polyesler or couon slufllng. Tiny beads for eyes. Ncedlc and maiching thread Ciluc (optional).

GA UGE: 4^ sq ; 36 dc x 16.5 rows. If you do not obtain /his gauge, iry usfn# lamer or s nutIIer hook.


* •






I dc intmmi'.

tłrgcn 8/ *i» (10 1.'4')    pii»c« crochatad piwem

l-wrr CMKibouid Mrlhlfl GADGE 4*    33 dc « 16 1 -2 rows ums Mn* MMitm, bnHe

lilwot #Ot)e& to r.aiiHtontii

. Suit Walls and Roof arc a Single piece With ( , ch 87 plus 3 to lum. Bcg willi 4ih si from hook. work dc in ca sl across-87 sts. Work cven in dc for 87 rows; ch 3, lum ca row.

Buck Wall and Gable : With C. ch 87 plus 3 to tum. Work in dc across 87 sts for 26 rows. then dec at ca edge and on


SIDE WALLS AND ROOF .dcl •    10 1 4* 187 dcl -

ca row as follows . 2 sts on I row, (3 sts on I row. 2 sts on 5 rows) 3 limes, 2 sts on I row: I dc rcmains. Pasień oR

FINISHING: Pold larger piece ol card-board as per diagram, place completed maiching crochctcd piccc over it and gluc or sew in place. Asscmble slabie following diagram. Optional (scc photo l: Frame front opening of slabie with cardboard or materiał of your choicc.


<■?-. J|!s

With Y, ch 6 and join to form ring. Rnd /. In ring work 2 dc (first dc » 3 ch throughout). (5 ch, 2 dc) 5 limes, close with 2 ch and dc in top of ch-3. Rnd 2: In cach Ip work 3 dc.5ch;close mds 2-8 wiih sl sl in top of ch-3. Rnds 3-/: 2 dc in First dc. dc in dc. 2 dc in łasi dc ofgrp,2ch,innextchlp :(2-dcpulTst,2 ch) lwice, rep from ‘around Rnd 5 : •(dc indc. I ch)7limcs.mch Ip :(pulT st. 2 ch) twicc. rep from * around. Rnd 6:13 dc, 1 ch.inch Ip :pufTsi,2ch,pufT st, 3 ch, then (6 pulTsts with 2 ch bet cu. 3ch.inch Ip puffst.2ch.pulTst.3cli) 5 times, but ch I instead <if 3 to close. Rnds 7-8 ; Conł following diagram. Aftcr co m piet mg md 8, cut thread Now cont in rows across dc grp for nul of star. Row 9; Altach thread with sl st in ch-2 (see white w edge). work shell in ch-2 (= 2-dc pufTst.2ch.2-dc pufTst).3 ch.de in ea ofncxt 13 dc. 3 ch. shell in ch-2; at end of ea row lum.sl sl in next st, ch 3. Rows 10-19 :1 sh,3 ch. 13 dc, 3 ch. I sh across. Rows20-28:1 >h.3ch. 2 dc in First dc, dc m ca dc. 2 dt m lasl dc of grp. 3 ch. I sh across. Rows 29-20 : I sh. 3 ch. 31 dc. 3 ch. I sh across. Row 31:1 sh. 3 ch. 5 dc. 3 ch, sk 2 dc. in next dc work I sh. tum and ch as bel to complctc this point sepa-ratcly. Row 32 :1 sh. 3 ch. sk I dc, dc in ca of next 3 dc, sk ncxt dc. 3 ch.

1    sh. Raw 33 :1 sh. 3 ch. dc in center of dc grp. 3 ch. 1 sh. Rows 34-35

2    sh then I sh, as per diagram Fastcn



row nu Ums-


1wiq ch 87 Xt* 110 I (.4*1



IOWA 13 10 rop row* 11 and 12

ofT Complctc a 2nd point (rows31-35). then a 3rd point (rows 31-37)as shown in diagnim - taił madę. Next, complctc ea of 5 points of star separately in rowt Ir 9-14 in diagram).



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