#32 Magic Crochet Oct84 (19)

#32 Magic Crochet Oct84 (19)

(magic crochet)

m i


See photo p.17



OrtgiHal design /»» /. A Pwrnbrunh

SIZE: Aboul 15 3/4 \ 20 1/4 inches.

MATERIALS C rocltci couon no. 30. whltc 1 (50-g) bali Sieci crochet houk USsizclI.

TO MAKE:Starting at center,ch X and join - first ring madę; conl with 62 ch sts. work sl st in Kth st from hook -2nd ring madę. >4 sts remnm bet 2 rings Rm! / : Ch 1. work sc in ea of nexi 54 sts, 11 sc in ring. work on other side of ch lo corrcspond; clo.se with sl st in first sc Rnd 2 : Work * 54 dc (llrst dc = 3 ch throughout), 5 ch, (sk 3 sts. sc in next st, 5 ch) lwice, rep from • once morę; close this and uli dc rnds with sl st in top of ch-3. Rnd 3 ; Work tc following diagram (llrst tc = 4 ch Ihroughout); close with sl st in top ofch-4. Rnds 4-10 : Conl working in dc, ch and sc as per diagram; on md 4. inc 4 dc at ench rounded end \$ of md X, sl st across 2 sts to beg ncxt rnd. Rnd U : 2 sl st. work (8-lc cluster. 4 ch. tc in ncxl ch lp. n ch. tc in next ch lp. in next ch lp work 4 tc iii ea of 2 center sts. tc in next ch lp, 5 ch, tc m next ch lp, 4 ch, rep from • around; close with sl st in top o! llrst cluster. Rnd 12 : Ch I, work 4 sc in top of cl, I sh t = 3 tc, 2 ch and 3 tc) in next tc. 5 ch. sc in first tc of nexl 4-tc grp, (6 ch. sc in next ic) 7 limes. 5 ch, sk ncxt tc, sk ne.\t ch lp. I sh in ncxt tc. rep from • around: close as in md 1, work 4 sl st to beg ncxi rnd in ch lp of llrst sh Rnds U-22 : Work tc, ch and sc following diagram. At end of rnd 22, cut tluead Rom 23-26 : Wrrong sidc facing, altach thread with sl st in ch lp of shell (sec whitc wcdgei and com-plete each pineapple lip separaiely as shown in diagram.

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