m c+29+ +39

m c+29+ +39

(magic croch^





BACK < li 4- work s- tne as Im Iruril halccs bui nim: neck shnping. W hen

p ccc oiŁ-iiMiius IX" om lu-e. I.i-ien o,T.

SIZE: IX iw».

W iTEKlAlS Spon wcighi yarn in WOOl «l 4Cty||C.Ó <M< »>f 5 | 5 Uli Ił.il:<. sky bluc. Cr ot hel hooks siZc.sOand UO. I hree loggie bulion.- w uh Irugs GAlftiF. A -l' mj icnI piece - 16 ils and i2roWs usliny s!/e(i0tn»ok Ifyou r/o not ntn.iin ihii pnigc. iry o Łirgcr oru stluMc/haok.

W \ntJ Nik/h frtinl hali Wilh Lirccr In olt m>c 110 cli 2) and work icross m m i I? cli cmml as óim luli Ihouchouti In rows 2 and I inc I si on Icft edge-25 v s Wlu,:i piecu m.rasinrs . boni 5 inches Irom beg. dcc on leli edge I d cccry (> rów- I tiir.ee - 21 -ts. Wrren piece rncasjrcs 16" Irom bcg. shapc r.ctk on ngh: eilge as liillows dcc 4 M>. 3 M- unii I ti lwice on evcrv row - |2 -i- W bon piece nuu-nics 18' Irom bet;, las! en ulT Camplfete LbKI IKONI HAl I-In cnncspmul, icscising -łiiipirg



-13 \KV-

SlSr.l FS Ch 38 and work .icioss m lnic uniil piece rocasurcs S" fmni beg l .tMcn uff


10 1/4

ffi H)I). i I: 76 tind wor* across nt li dc. dcc -I evcr> X rows ś itres - W* sic. \k hen piece m im surfy about (T froni beg. dcc on trach side ;.nd in cvcr> row os Inllnws > m> 3 limes. 7 si\ lwice. Work across rcm.iiningXsts.mil fitslcn


HMSHm; Wiih smallerhuokm/c6. woik 2 row- i i >c across e.ich nf liitir shoulder edgcs.ihenjom Innu lo back willi I iow iii sc I ii shapc hond. work 2 row s of sc ucross back ófhnod piece, fold liood piece in half.tnd jum in bucL with I row cif sc (neck edue ot hnod memures uhoul 12 1/2"). iher work I row nl sc ucross front and ncck edge

of hood. Work 2 rows in sc a;ong di fronl of eilge of coai, leli ncck edge. buck neck tdce. rigbl ncck edge and right Ironi edge Work 2 rows in -c ucross bcinun . n:J sidc* ol cuch fronl balf. rep lor back. A cross Iow ot edge uf cuch slccsc.wnrk I row inse.Uicn I row in crab -i (do nor lurn. werk w: frotr leli to rghłi Kcw hond lo nccklme. casing whcrcver ncccssnrs. Jum back and In ni Imlsesat sidccdfes with I row ol sc leasing on lup ? for urmholcs and on bonom 5 1/2" Tor side -lits. Sew siccvc seams and s;w sleesss in place Work I row m crab -i umund entire ccai and hood. Sc w on froes ano loggie b.mons


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