‘Science fiction is no morę written for scien-tists than ghost stories are written for ghosts’
Brian Aidiss
This new edition of Brian Aldiss's classic anthology brings together a dtverse seioction of science fiction spanning over slxty years. from Isaac Asimov‘s ‘Nightfair, first puhlished in 1941, to the 2007 story 'Friends in Need’ by Eliza Blair. Including authors such asCIifford Simak. Harry Harrison, Bruce Sterling, A. E. van Vogt and Brian Aidiss himseif, these stories portray stTuggles against machines, eplc joumeys. genetic exoeriments, time travellers and aiien races. From stories set on Earth to uncanny far-distant worlds and ancient bumt-out suns, the one constant is humanity itself. compelled by an often fatal curiosity to explore the boundless froniiers of time, space and probability.