The Seven Chakras and their Correlations
Chakra |
Associated Body Parts |
Endorfinę Glandi |
Malfuncńons at a Physiatl Levet |
Colour |
First (basc) |
Spinał column, bones. tccth. naiU, Icgs, fect. Anus, rcctum, colon, prostatę gland. largc inrestinc. Blood and building of cclis |
Adrcnals |
Lack of stamina and physical cncrg>’ lcvcls Iow, obesity, constipation. sciatica, degcnerative anhritis, knee probierni, hacmorrhoids |
Red |
Sccond (sacral) |
Worab, kidncys, rcproductivc system, bładder, pdvic girdlc, gcnitals. Ali licjuids such as blood/circulatory system, łymph, gastric juices |
Gonads |
łmpotencc. frigidit)', problems of uterus, bladder or kidncys. stifflower back |
Orangc |
Third (solar plexus) |
Lowcr back, abdomen, livcr, spleen, s tornad), smali intestinc, gali bladder, autonomie nervous system, digestivc system |
Panereas |
Ulccrs, diabetes, hypoglycacmia. anorexia nctYOsa, bulimia |
Ycllow |
Fourth (hcart) |
Heart, lungs, arms, hands, upper back, circulation. skin |
Thymus |
Asthma, high blood pressurc. lung diseasc, hean diseasc |
Green or pink |
Fifth (throat) |
Ncck. shouldcrs, jaw, ears, bronchial tubes |
Thyroid |
Sorc throat. stiff neck, colds, thyroid problcms. hearing problcms |
Bluc or silvcr |
Sixth (ajna) |
Eycs, rwo hemispheres of the brain, sinuses, face |
Pituitary |
VLsual dcfccts, hcadachcs, nightmares |
Indigo |
Scventh (crown) |
Cercbral cortcx, central nervous system |
Pineal |
Dcprcssion, alienation, inability to learn |
Pure whitc |