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Noel    f'hri\lmas Kit 10

Thoc paiicra dctails should bc uscd in conjunction wilh the Knnn-A-I.ines (ieneral Instructiom ul ihc btcfc of Ihis booklct.

"Ów mcant brio* tł* neeJk Dwu thc tak of the mxV througfc to the front “In nvrjiu uke thc oeoDc front the nj^tt wdc of thc wocfc through to thc hock

On many hcrtum* nf Om design wmc hok$ arc u red morę thin oocc

Use green card.

1 hese Furm-A-l .mes inslruclions arc copyright O 2002 D J Design* and may not be reproduccd witltout pcrutnmkm.

Puhlishcd by Card Inspiration* lewin llill Farm. Tewin, Hem AL6 OLL, IJK. Tel: OM tJt 717000 FAX: 0143* 717477



Shown on thc krttcr *N’ Out al A in ut B Out al C in al I)

Out at E in at l; Conlinuc this scquence until thc Icttcr *N’ is complcte Some tl>c hołcs arc used lwice. Work tl»c ołltcr letters in u similar way On thc kttcr E work the middle bor Krat.

Sidc pultem Shown on thc Icfl hand side paltem.

Out at G in at 11 Out ut I in al H Out at J in ut K Out at I. in at M Continuc this sequence wilh out at I in at N. Work thc design until the .\idc pultem u complcte.

Work thc righl hand sidc pattem in a sirnilur way.


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