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T^o ** m-;A - J—m e s

Shcphcrds    Cbristnias Kit 10

IłteM patiem dctails should bc u*cd in conjunction with ihc Form-A-I.ine* (łcncral lotfiucUuay ul the hack of this booklct.

“Out    meum b«n$ the ocodtc tram the hack of tbe twwk ch»ou*h co the fniot

“lit M .mcant take the oecdle front the nftht ikłc of tbe ««t ihrouyh to the hock.

On many MCtkms of thii design nonie Itoles *rc u sod morc tłnui coce.

(. chit muc this Mqucnce to out al N in al O..



Showti on front shccp BoJy

Out at A in at B Out at C in at I)

Out al E in ot f < ontinuc this scqucncc

to out at [) in al O. Ihcnout at II in at I (Hit at J in al K Out at I. in al M


UacUntch the head uring tlić diagram *% a


Work the hack theep in a similar M«y.


Itnckuitch the thcpfcadt u-king the diagram a> a guide

Dackttitth the robę and er nok a for <ccon<1 łimc. Tlicie luiea are dtovtn on Otcphcnl I.


Oackstitcli (lic luli.


(hit at I in at 5 Out at 6 in al 2 Out at 3 in at 7 Out al X in al -I

Tbc>c Fotm-A-Lines instnictions nrc copyright O 2002 I) J Desigtts and tnay not he rcprnriuced wiihout pcrniumon.

PlłbUshed by Card lospirations Tcwtn llill Farm. Tcwin. Herts AI.6 OLL, IJK.

Id: 0I4.3K 717000I AX: 01418 717477


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