KATJNGS Umilmy yuluus in uceorduncc willi tliu Absolutu Muxlmum System (1EC 134) yoliBtrei
Colłccior-buse voliugc (opon eniHier) |
vCUO |
niux. |
20 |
V |
CoMecior-emiiicr vollupo (opon buse) |
mux. |
20 |
V |
Eni(tter'buse voliuge (open cołlector) |
mux. |
4 |
V |
Cu r ront s Cnllcctur currem (d.c.) |
!C |
mux. |
50 |
rnA |
Collocior currom (peuk vuluo) |
*CM |
mux. |
50 |
mA |
Power dis sl puc i on Totul power dlsslpuiion up co Tund) *■ 45 °C |
PCOl |
mox. |
50 |
inW |
Tcniporuiuros Storupu temperuturu |
1 Slg |
*•65 lo |
+125 |
°C |
junction temperocure |
TJ |
mux. |
125 |
°c |
THERMAL RES1STANCE l-*rom junccion ro omblcm in freo ulr |
B j*u |
fl |
l .6 |
°c/ |
Coloured dat on top ot che black body
mountinc instructjons
i <i jvoid djiiugmg che irunsisior, welded or soldcred connections musi be madę .111 cjrc: tlić iullowlny ycncrjl reconuncndations sltould be observed:
T:«C remperjiurc ot tlię soldcriii)* iron musi be less dian 250°C and che sotdering •mu' less Hun J secomJs at j lead lengili ot noc less chan 1.5 mm.
1 u kccp tbc iicjc capacuv Iow. che smallesc pussible aniounc ot solder should be
li dic plaśnie capsulc o: ino traiuiiior makes contact wieli any oclier structure, ■ifc musi łh- ukcn tiul ms temper ature m:ver excecds 125 °C.
Tj » *25 °C uid«M* Olh«rwi»e *«***
J>7U m*
UuKL‘-emlucr vohuyo
lc " 0.2 mAi Vqj: * 0.5 V Ic • 2 mA; VC|i • l V
Kncc yoltnao
Iq i 2 mA; |1 i valuc for wltlcli 1q ■ 2.2 mA at Vcl, ° l V
Colluctor cupachuncf at f ' 1 MIU Ili 3 Ie s MS VCll - * V Trunsition frct|tmncy Ig a 2 mA; Vcii » 5 V
D.C. ciirrem gain
Ig ■ 0.2 mA; Vce " 0*5 V
Iq - 2 mA; Vęj2 a 1 V
NoIkc figuro
IG ■ 0.2 mA; VCR ■ 5 V;
llandwldlh: f ■ 30 Hz to 15 kHz h parumotora ut f ■ l kHz
Cc |
typ. |
| pl: 1 |
11 |
lyp. |
1511 MU |
H |
ycllow 1 | |
typ. 115 |
220 |
380 |
hFR 80 to 200 |
140 to 350 |
280 to 53 |
hpii > ioo |
140 |
280 |
Input Impedunce |
h|e |
typ. |
20 |
.10 |
Rovoi**u votiugc transfer ratio |
hre |
typ. |
15 |
25 |
Smali slgnul currcut gain |
hfc |
typ. |
130 |
220 |
Ouipul udmilUincu , |
Moc |
typ. |
n |
20 |