primaiy input- high tension vdcage
seconday output
higi ten sion insuladon
perforated aluminium ^linder for electrostatic shieldng
primay windng
sheet ccpper cylinder for niagnedcflux containnient
secondary link wire to basemulb-capacitor pulsefonning network
seconday windng
finał grid-sheet attached to brass
output ring
s eparate i nterlin ked pancakewindngs of primary aid seccndary coils
air-gaps beeween. niagnecrings
perforated sheecs of multi-pJaie grid-condenser1
pnmay outputto
choke and rectifier
1 In theTestatik>DistaticaVicteoit has. . "Bymeans ofgrid-condenserstheenergy is storedand itisthen uniform ly dscharged, 3t di e same tim e reducing di e hi gwoltage ai d buil dn g u p powe- with addio onal dsvi ces."