off that he was an aqua ae robie s teacher. so I thought well. 1*11.1've never done aqua aerobics and I m not that comfortable m water. so I thought. well, 1 11 go and.was a pregnant team. a pregnant wornens aqua aerobics class that be taught So. yeah. I did went.. I went and sat in and worfced m a pool with some pregnant women (laughing)
VA: Enjoyable? (laughlng)
RA: (laughing) Embarrassing.
VA: Well« helped with your an.
RA: Yeah. well. it. thafs. I Uke I like getting out of, you know. away from the books and gettmg out on. you know. on to the Street and domg sowething practical as research for a character I think that has morę impact for me
VA: And then. of course. you re górne to do this medical training. as you say. for this new role"’
RA: Yeah
VA: And wbere’s this happenutg?
RA: I. I m expecting to be górne out shadowmg the team of people around London, so.. .thafs gomg. to be soroethine monumental to. to remember
VA: Ideally for you. what would be your dream pan if I could say to you: okay. Richard, there you go. You can have a go at anytlnng at all. Which role would you like’’
RA" That's really difficult. I think probably a real person A character. you know. from real life An historie figurę. I’ve always wanted to play [Rodyal Roskolmkov from -Cnme and Pumshment' but 1.1 think that ifs been done. But who knows?
VA: You could add a twist to it. surely. (laughs)
RA: Could P Yeah. yeah.
VA: I want you to answer some of my Famous Favonte Five Questtons' bere RA: Okav
VA: Wbether you will or not. of course. is your eboice Tbey re all qutte stmple. very straightforward Your favorite TV program, if you get a chance to sit down and watch?
RA: Slx Feet l'ndei
VA: Favorite subject to talk about when out with the lads? Be hones?
RA: Oh. God. thafs hard Pohhcs? (laughs)
VA: (laughs) I don t believe a single woid of that And your favorite tipple?