wenience, to which the. latter agreed. Gen .S.said he was Y/ell acquainted with this organizajfion and. that he was in close touch with the 3.0.S. in London. Ile only touched this subject as the base was on gen.E.*s theatre of ops. He w/ould ask gen.
E. to take a favourable attitude towards the needs of this haee and to facilitate it*s efficient functionning - to which geii.
E. agreed.
V. Gen.S. then passed on to the subject of attachments of Polish officers to front linę American and British troops.
There was a considerable surplus of officers in the Polish Army, amounting to 1500, They were well trained, a good lot of men, but lacked eicperience in modern w/arfare. It would be in the great interest to the futurę of the Polish Forces to give tbprrR to a certain number of these officers an opportunity to get this experience. Would gen.F.consider attaching such Polish Officers for a certain period to front linę American & jjj.xti8h troops, thus rendering a great service to Pol and.
Gen.asked ror hov long would , sn.s. like theci -c be attached. Gen.S# - For a period of a few months •
aaid he hod no
e- v.3Cit ind”. I -
objection what ~er, and he *./oul . in the cable to vr.A.,stressing
that he viewed the mat ter favourably. Purthermore, he said he would like those officers to be attached as soon as possible, before the Polish troops go into action. They would thus form potential reinforce. ents to make up losses in officers which might occur.
Gen.S. thanked gen.S.
VI. He then expressed his thanks to gen.S. for the help given by him in the selecting Polish Prisoners of lar. The British Ambassador +reBsed the llent work clone by Count Czapski, the Polish Consul-Gcnerel.
There was one point gen.S. wanted to put forwarć. -Foliskpriponerr.-of-v&r, whc were rcv beir.g gęlected er tK r~rt in Jtaly, were being afterv;ards directed to the central dciof aJ SARI, \.1 cce they : •* i 3 3 remained together with the German ps-of-w., instead of being sent to separate Bamps and passed over to the Polish Authorities.
Gen.E. -"This is wrong. I will go into the matter at once!