The 1989 cjirls' Swim team łinished their conterence season with live wins and six
The htghlight of Ihe year was placirig second at the Evergreen Park swim iri vitational.
The "Dirty Dozen' completed their season by plaeing tourlh at conter ence and hfth at seeUonals.
The swimmers all exper ienced a disadvantage at the tirst weeks ot the year when the pool was closed. A hugecrack tiad been discovered in a
mam wałer supply pipę and had to be repaired. The qirls were bounced around between practic* ing at Oak Lawn Park Distnct and Shepard High School.
The learn was cooched by Tom Kobierski, and he was assisted by Scott Arrigom.
• Coach Kobierski feit that Maureen McMahon was the leader ot tłie team in the water and on the deck The "other high-light was that Maureen McMahon brokethe 100 yd. ireestyle record on the varsity level.‘
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Girta Swtmmina 1989
Opponenta Ucwii'Axuc> 103/78
kmi iń* Bi»> *r *
Oak li a) w n Sanclburg Ev<mjn~r*n Park
Arqo 9 Lockport B
Girl* Swimming, Front Row: Ideen Dvorak. Abkjal Hemandez Nina Dallto. Maureen McMa-łiOn« Kun Kulhanek. la* McMahon. Laura Dudli »k and Coach Tom Kobierski; Bach Row: Kelly Yozntak Nicole Sama, lenny Kantor, Loeana durandt Jaime Houlihan, and Aasurtanl Coach icotl Amgoni.
trls Swimming