Highlłghtmg the 1989 90 year lor the National Honor Society was the annual blood drwe held on January 31. It was a resounding suc-cess, with 108 unites ol blood collected compared to 58 Irom the previous year.
President Vera Zlidar said, "It was a great success; with 20 walk ins. wecollected the rnost umts ol blood m NHS history." A second dnve was scheduled lor May 3.
NHS members also participat-ed in chantable events such as the MS Spell-A Thon and a spirit link sale with proceeds gomg to the Park Lawn Schód lor the Handicapped.
Fund raisers lor the dub itsell were a Homecoining camation sale and an "A-a-thon where members collected pledges based on the nurnber ol A s on their third guarter report cards.
Vincent Montgomery waits ealmly and pottenUy tor the nura© lo m movo the needle alter suecesałully qiv mq blood
Vora Zlidar uses the helium tank to lii! a bouncy rewanl lor one ot the
Dr. Romayno Baker llnds time out ol tus busy schód ul© to donate blood at the NHS dnve.
NHS said about the year. ' This year has really been a success because we have had a lot ol dedicated members w ho really put a lot ol elłort into what they're doing.”
Next year s success V P Gigi Galvez would depend on "The juniora who are very enthustas-tic and dependable. Hopelully they will be able to lollow ex-amples being set and learn Irom mistakes."
Troy Parrnh was one ol the success-lut donora who had to meel ago and weight roquirem«mts.
illing out th© cjuostionair© bolore sh© went on to the nexl step in the proces* was Patncia Lowwry