The tjuestion lor tlie 191.") Interscholastie debato was chosen in Norember, 1914. Salem's first clioice was also tlie first ehoiee of Niles and Alliance.
When tlie question was first announeed tliere were about twenty eandidates for places on the teams. Tliis was an increase over tlie numb.er of candidates in 1914. The interest in debating was scen to be increasing by the number of candidates from the lower elasses in the try outs. Twenty studenta in 1915 eompared to seven in 1914 is eertainly good eridence of an increase in interest and in familiarity with the work. Tliis is as largc a number of candidates as either Niles or Alliance had and they have been debating for several years.
After awhile the students began to drop out for various reasons and when the first preliminary debate was held there were about fifteen remaining. The finals were held on February 24, with twelve eandidates. Mary Wilson, *15; Andrew Colmery. *17; Fred Harroff, *15, and Kila Smith, *16, were successful in making the afth*mative team. Solbert Oreenberger, ’ 15; Theodore Jewell, *15; Chester Smith. 'Ib. and Lynn Court-nev. *16, were cliosen to defend the negathe.
The ąuestion to be debated was, “Resohed, That in the settlement of International disputes law ean and sliould be substituted for war.”
page forty-three
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